Alpha - Death Angel - Chapter 43

Bắt đầu từ đầu

A moment later.

I paced back and forth in the penthouse living room with the printed interview questions and answers I found online, restlessly chewing my nails as I attempted to memorize the script. Yangcha quietly watched me in confusion while munching the cake I made for him.

"Noona. You'll get dizzy if you keep pacing like this," Yangcha chuckled with the spoon in his mouth. I grimaced and slumped beside him with the towel over my damp hair. This is frustrating! I can't memorize every single interview question overnight!

"Stupid jerk," I grunted as Yangcha curiously leaned over to peek at the paper. He's really heartless! I thought he'd be lenient with me because of his past mistreatments!

"You're applying for a job...?" He lifted his gaze to me in surprise while chewing the cake on the side of his cheek.

"Taehyung is selecting a personal assistant at his fintech corp," I nodded without looking away from the paper. Yangcha unsurely shifted his gaze to the list of questions and back to me.

"You want to work with him? Despite your past with him?" Yangcha muttered while jabbing the cake on the plate.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I don't want to live my remaining life dwelling on the past," I muttered as I read through the detailed answers with a concentrated frown.

"I see," Yangcha chewed the cake quietly.

I blinked out of my cluttered thoughts and glanced at the alpha once I noticed his strange silence to find him staring blankly at the half-eaten cake. He's usually chatty, so it's rather obvious when he's upset about something.

"Wae? Is the cake not delicious?" I asked, nudging Yangcha's shoulder, causing him to snap out of his thoughts.

"Huh? N-No. It's good. Of course, it's good," Yangcha shrugged, glancing at me and back at the cake with a downcast expression.

I lowered my head to examine his face... but he intentionally looked away to avoid our eye contact. I can't believe he's sulking? Did he expect me to stay home with him 24/7? My mother will kill me for being useless! I reached over to brush my thumb over the cream stain on his lips. Yangcha immediately looked up at me, startled by my touch. I pressed the cream on my thumb against my lips to taste the flavor I wiped off him, causing the alpha to stiffen against the cushion. He's easily flustered by my deviant behavior. It's adorable.

"You're really... cute when you're grumpy," I chuckled, scooting closer to him. Yangcha intensely stared at me as I sucked my thumb until a hint of redness flushed over his cheeks. I grabbed the plate from his hand, sliced the cake with the spoon, and lifted it towards his lips.

"Ah," I opened my mouth. Yangcha blinked and opened his mouth as I instructed, so I pushed the cake into his mouth. He quietly ate and lowered his gaze to the cake again.

"Did you bake for Kim Taehyung?" Yangcha asked, lifting his gaze to me.

"Nope. Only for the employees because I made a promise. Why? You're against me working with Taehyung?" I chuckled, fondly watching him chew the cake with a brooding pout. So that's why he's unhappy?

"Of course not. You can do whatever you want," Yangcha shrugged.

"Then why are you sulking? Jealous much...?" I questioned, curiously leaning forward, but was cut short when Yangcha grabbed my face and leaned forward to press his flavorful lips against mine. I groaned in distress as he chuckled against my lips, purposely smearing the cream on my lips. Yangcha pulled away, took the plate from my hand, and fed himself as I licked the cream off my lips with a slight smile.

ALPHA | BTS FANFICTIONNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ