Aqua Pups: Moby the Beastly Mer-Pup King

Start from the beginning

Pups: Ryder, needs us!

(scene with Coral and Skye enlarges)

Coral: Let's go cuz!

Skye: Estoy de acuerdo prima!

Coral: (confused) Huh?

Skye: (surprise and confused) Why'd I just talk Spanish?

Hex: (giggles) (with her paw raised) Just a little joke I did with my magic!

Skye: What did I say?

Hex: Lucky guess, you said I agree cousin! Unless my translation is wrong!

Skye and Coral: (giggles) Nice one Hex! (walks over both tripping on the same toy shovel)

Hex: (winches) That one wasn't me!

(Skye and Coral rolling off together like a ball)

(scene changes to the boys in the Paw Patroller)

Marshall: Wow! No wipe out!

Rocky: (looks around) Where's Skye and Coral?

Skye and Coral's voices: (shouts) Lookout!

Boy pups: (notice) Uh oh!

(Skye and Coral crash into the others)

Pups: Oof!

Skye and Coral: We're okay! Even after that unexpected roll!

Hex: (walks into Paw Patroller) Just assisting with the sea monster thing!

Coral: (confused) Sea monster?

Hex: (realizes) Moby was in pup form, wasn't he?

Coral: What other form would he have?

Hex: Leviathan form!

Pups: (surprised) Leviathan form!

Hex: Like Pearl and her mom, Mariana!

(scene changes to Puplantis where everything is quiet)

Coral: Oh my starfish, it's quiet instead of full of sounds!

Hex: I'll come with you to check it out!

Coral: Thanks Hex!

(scene changes to the Puplantis Castle where Hex and Coral soon approach Moby)

Coral: Moby, what have you done?

Moby: Oh not much all I really had to do was show off the dragon wings and tentacle paws, the other mer-pups were quite amazed they were listening to me! Even a few curiously checked out the leviathan horns on my head too!

Coral: Please bring back the music to Puplantis!

Moby: Never!

(the other Aqua Pups arrive)

Ryder: Okay Moby, please give up!

Moby: No way you Aqua pups can stop me that easily!

Hex: Ryder, might I please try something?

Ryder: Okay Hex, you have an idea?

Hex: (giggles) Yep! (swims over to Moby)

Moby: Hex, what's up?

Hex: (swims over and passionately kisses Moby on the lips)

Moby: (eyes widen) (swoons before he faints and switches to his leviathan form)

Ryder and Aqua Pups: (surprised) Whoa!

Ryder: Okay, even I have to admit, that is pretty cool!

Hex: I'll take him to my friends who can change him back to normal then we'll get a head start on work!

Coral: Thank you for helping fix this experiment Hex!

Hex: No problem buddy! But just so you know after Moby froze you he sent McSquidly to find me in order to get you to your friends!

Coral: (surprised) He did?

Hex: (nods) I think he regretted freeing you and wanted to make sure you were okay!

(Hex swims away dragging Moby's beastly body with her vanishing in the process)

(one magical pup back to normal restoration later)

(scene changes to Moby back to his old self in diving gear as he, Hex, and McSquidly are busy cleaning junk out of the water while on the Moby mobile)

Moby: Hex, thanks for bringing me to someone who changed me back! Um? I'm only a normal/mer-pup again,  right?

Hex: (giggles) Yep! You're back to normal like nothing ever happened! You were fainted the whole time when my elemental brawler friend Petal extracted your magical pup powers and destroyed them! But you can easily regain them by doing the same ritual again!

Moby: Nah! I'd rather stay the way I am! (curiously) So about the kiss?

Hex: I guess beauty knew how to soothe the beast! (giggles)

Moby: (chuckles) Nice one Hex!

McSquidly: (applauds)

(scene changes to Coral with the Aqua Pups on the beach)

Coral: Thanks for helping out Ryder!

Ryder: Whenever you're in beastly trouble Coral, just roar for help!

Coral: (giggles) I will!

Skye: So cuz, you headed back to Puplantis?

Coral: Well since Moby is busy cleaning the waters with Hex, I think I might stay a little while!

Ryder: (looks around) I'm surprised Mason didn't show up?

Marshall: Yeah, he knows how to make some impressive entrances!

Coral: I guess Mason must've been busy today!

(scene changes to Moby and Hex still cleaning the water)

Moby: Hey Hex?

Hex: Yes, Moby?

Moby: I was just curious, but do you know why Mason didn't show up?

Hex: Oh that, my mom Venus asked if he could help her with a little gardening!

Moby: Oh, okay! Also at least I can use this junk for my inventions if I'd want too so it won't got to waste!

Hex: (smiles and nods)

(the Moby, Hex, and McSquidly resume cleaning the water before seashell-shaped iris-out occurs before slowly going to black)


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