Dino Rescue: The Hydra Pup Awakens

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(scene opens to the Dino Wilds where Mayor Humdinger is with his kittens near a pup sized cavern)

Mayor Humdinger: Alright kittens, time to finally make Foggy Bottom's dinosaur ranch!

Kitten Catastrophe Crew: (shakes head) (meow)

Mayor Humdinger: What do you mean no?

Kitten Catastrophe Crew: (shakes head) (meows)

Mayor Humdinger: Okay, we'll get orphaned dinosaur eggs then! It'd be a win win! They'd get caretakers and I'd get what I want!

Kitten Catastrophe Crew: (unsure meows)

Mayor Humdinger: Hey it's better than nothing!

Cat Marshall: (curiously walks to the pup sized cavern) (curiously meows)

Sound: (loud growls)

Mayor Humdinger: (concerned) Kitten was that you?

Cat Marshall: (shakes head)

(a husky like head swiftly emerges and unhinges its jaws before chomping Cat Marshall)

Mayor Humdinger: (shocked) Kitty!

Cat Marshall: (muffled meow screams)

(Cat Marshall gets slurped down by the unknown creature)

Mayor Humdinger: (upset) I order you to spit out my kitten at this moment, stranger! Also what are you?

Unknown pup: I am Amber, a hydra pup possibly the last one in existence!

Cat Marshall: (muffled meow screams)

Mayor Humdinger: Give back my kitty now, mister!

Amber: (annoyed) I'm a girl! (five more heads emerge from her shoulder area)

Kitten Catastrophe Crew: (shocked gasps) (meows)

Amber: (growls) (five head snatch the other kittens in their mouths)

Mayor Humdinger: Hey! Release my kittens this instant!

Amber: (five heads gulp down the kittens) (sighs in relief) (main head) Nope!

(Amber grows slightly bigger)

Mayor Humdinger: Did you just get bigger?

Amber: (grins) Just so you know I'm simply storing those... um what are they?

Mayor Humdinger: Cats or also called kittens!

Amber: Thank you! I'm storing those kittens in my stomach with no fear of being digested!

Mayor Humdinger: Fine, but I order you to give them back!

(three of Amber's extra heads receded like they never existed while the other two headbutt Mayor Humdinger onto his back)

Mayor Humdinger: Oof!

Amber: (licks lips) (opens her jaws)

Mayor Humdinger: Uh oh!

(scene changes to Amber with Mayor Humdinger in her throat before gulping him down into her stomach then growing slightly bigger)

Amber: (licks lips) Good eating! Plus the more in my stomach the bigger I'll get at least until I'm brachiosaurus size or bigger! (the two extra heads recede) (notices the kitty carrier) Oh? (stretches her neck over and then gulps it down)

Mayor Humdinger's voice: (muffled) Hey, there's no reception in here?

Amber: I've got a bit of magic, that could be the interference!

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