The reason it has taken so long for me to get word from the surface is the Grineer interdicted the planet and threatened to destroy the local relay station. A threat that has only just been resolved with a judicious amount of violence.

The Cetus enclave have agreed to allow our people to join their settlement, though they have been told that it would be unwise to attempt to create a colony outside the shields until we have not only established ourselves, but also have the capability to not only hide from the Grineer, but also defend ourselves from them. A sentiment that I am forced to agree with given what I've learnt about this systems ability to detect things from well beyond the reach of our magics.

Currently, our people are sheltering inside the derelict Orokin tower along with the majority of the Cetus population as the ghoul infestation continues to rage uncontrolled beyond the shields. The occasional Tenno that pays a visit for resources or weapons is not enough to deal with the level of infestation across the plains. They have asked me to request a block of platinum 1 foot on a side. With that they believe they will have enough to pay the bounties needed to clear out the infestation and make the village safe to live in once more. If you agree to this, then send the platinum to Ullok son of Furrad as he is now of age.

Enclosed with this letter is a data cylinder with the details of an informal currency that the Tenno use. This currency is based on reputation and allows them to access goods and services that can't be bought for credits or resources. The Lotus and I all agree that this would be the best way for the new clan to trade with the wider solar system. The Sinestra family, as vassels of Clan Potter, have already started to use this system to great effect.


Healer Straightseam

Personal note.

After three years of deliberation, Urana and I decided to join Clan Potter as Sentients along with our child. Part of this decision comes from a desire to allow for a continuity of contact with Clan Gringott. One of the Lotus' personal owls should be delivering my formal request to the clan chief at the same time this letter reaches you. If my request is accepted, my children will take on the role of advisers and liaisons between the new clan and the Tenno. It is my hope that their involvement will increase both the profits and honour of both the Tenno and the Goblin Nation.

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The Director looks up from the letter, "I see, and the platinum?"

Ironclaw shrugs, "Already sent out of my families coffers, I will be seeking reimbursement through favours and services rather than goods, as the Potter accounts have been good for us."

The Director laughs, "Of course they have. I'll talk to the clan chiefs about giving you a minority share in the new clan."

Ironclaw shakes his head, "I would much rather be allowed to start my own guild."

The Director coughs violently, "What?"

Ironclaw smiles widely as he nods, "I wish to start the Technicians Guild."

The Director clenches his teeth for a moment, "What of the Potter accounts?"

"I am still a fully paid up member of the Bankers Guild."

"I will bring your request to the Council."

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Dora glances over at Digger as she sends a message to squad chat

{KarmaChameleon} 😊😍

Digger nods, "Are you ready?"

Wands and WarframesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora