Probing Attacks

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Probing attacks

Yana is happy because her Hermione is happy and she's been able to visit the local forest while her Hermione plays in another frame. Especially being able to play with the little not Titania's that flit around from flower to flower.

As Yana daydreams about how she could bring more of this forest to her own forest, her Hermione suddenly slumps to the floor as a red light hits them out of nowhere.

A moment later, someone nudges them with their foot before shouting, "Ow! Merlin that hurt!"

Another voice says, "Well, what did you expect? This is supposed to be armour after all. Come on, you're paying me to help put her in her place, so we need to get her out of the corridor."

"Right, then we can get her out of her armour and teach the bitch a lesson about her place in the world."

A third voice, this one belonging to a girl, "I'm not sure about this, I mean isn't that Potter's armour?"

Yana begins to become concerned when her Hermione doesn't start to stand up, as she can feel that she's still here, just not responding to anything. As the voices continue to speak she tries to disengage the civilian locks and enable her shields, or something.

There's the sound of a sneer in the first voice, "Then he shouldn't have lent it to a mudblood. Something like this should be in the hands of a pure blood."

The girl's voice sounds further away, "Um, didn't Professor McGonagall say that the armour was for our protection, not hers?"

"What, are you scared?"

"It's just, I thought we were going to teach her a lesson about showing up Ravenclaw and being a know it all. This is going too far, I'm out!"

As the first spell cuts into her body, Yana begins to panic as she can't move while her Hermione is still here.

A forth voice adds, "Yeah, me too, I thought we were just going to make her miss a few classes or something."

A fifth voice accompanies several sets of footsteps from the other direction, "Yeah, well you should have thought about that before you discussed your plans in the common room. When we're finished with her, there'll be one less mudblood in the school."

The first voice sounds worried, "Wait, you can't do that, do you have any idea how bad that would look?"

The second voice is receding as it sounds resigned when they say, "Malfoy, I don't think they care. This is going a bit beyond a prank now."

Yana starts to panic as she's hit by an explosion, and her Hermione still doesn't move. Her brief flight into a wall allows her to see her attacker, all of whom are taller than the humans her Hermione goes to classes with.

A pulse of light hits her in the side, cutting deeply as her eyes glow with realisation. They're taller, and she can get smaller. She might not be able to move, but her butterflies know what to do.

As a spell punches through her chest, one of the attackers shouts, "Merlin, what does it take to get through that armourrrrrhhhhh!"

Yana feels a surge of happiness go through her as she activates her transformation and sends out her butterflies to kill her assailants. She might not be able to move, but she can still defend her Hermione.

As the screams of her assailants echo through the halls, Yana goes back to daydreaming about chasing rabbits and fairies around her own forests.

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Minerva scowls as Severus rants to the headmaster, "Albus, something needs to be done about those two first years, and the pet cat they brought."

Albus looks up from the medical report Severus shoves in his face, "Hmm, what would you have me do exactly?"

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