Breaking Fast

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Breaking Fast


Sorry it's been so long since I last wrote, but things have been a little hectic. I now have a brother, and he's absolutely adorable. Though he likes my teddy bears rather too much. And he can fly. Mum and Dad visited England with The Lotus and Harry, so while they were out, I took the time to do some exploring. The scolding I got when they got back was worth it.

I've just seen my first Equinox, it was glorious, equal amounts of light and dark.

Because I've shown I'm capable of looking after myself, especially with Wisp with me, Mum's letting me explore a nearby sacred grove. I'm going to try and find the Queen of the Fae. Not that one, the one Shakespeare mentions.

Got to go, I need to help Auntie with something.


"Mum," Ginny says softly, "I don't think Luna's coming back."

"Of course, she is. I spoke to Pandora yesterday while they were packing up the Rookery. She's still enrolled in Hogwarts, so you'll see her next year."

"I don't mean physically. Look."

"I've got wet hands, it will have to wait until I've finished the washing. Start feeding stuff through the Mangle, mind your fingers though. We don't want another trip to St Mungo's."

"Yes Mum."

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Harry sits in his Titania while he sleeps in the pod. To pass the time he's reviewing the first year books now that the Dictionary has finished processing. The meaning of quite a lot of the books has changed massively, granted mostly in the History parts. That makes sense, as the language they found to translate on the Orokin computer wasn't quite English even if it had a very similar evolution. That does beg the question on how they are so similar. It takes him an hour to pull her attention back to his school books after that thought, only because she runs out of possible research material in his railjack.

It's approaching dawn when she'd frown if she had facial features, there's something wrong with the potions text and she knows she's seen the answer somewhere. Quickly scanning through the other books they bought, she finds the answer in 'The animated guide to potion making: A home refresher on potion making'. Of course, the scan isn't animated that would obviously be too easy, so she sends a message off to Ironclaw's slate. Idly noting that they have a much more comprehensive network now. To the point where it might actually be challenging to try and break in.

Hoping that she remembered to bring it, she gets up and searches through her stuff looking for her captura camera. Not finding it, she has the forge produce a message baton, something that she came up with her mum. It's a short metal rod with a tiny drone inside it. The drone has a small anti-gravity unit as well as wireless access along with a holographic emitter. It also contains enough internal storage to hold 1 hour of holographic recording at visual definition. Unaware of the fact that the Goblins are using space expanded trunks for the same purpose, she considers how her mother is going to send the camera back. She puts together a design for a slightly larger baton that contains a small regenerating battery, this will always provide enough power to prevent the crystal memory from destabilising, which is important, as matter contains a lot of energy. She also adds enough crystal memory to store an archwing. This means that the drone needs to be modified to have enough bandwidth to be able to transmit the data and energy stored in the digitised object store.

When her alarm goes of she's halfway through designing a bracer that will combine a data slate with enough digitising storage to hold several decently sized items along with a simple interface to emit and re-absorb items that have been stored in it without needing all the implants that Tenno have. Reluctantly, she puts the research to one side and loads the blueprints for the first baton into her message to her mother. Taking her lander back to the school, along with her kavat, she makes her way to the owlery and sends the message to her mother. As she hands the baton to the owl she sees her hand and curses before launching herself out of the window to the edge of the forest where she leans against a tree and transfers out.

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