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Amelia watches the black pod that's holding her daughter in a space ship that's docked on the moon. She so desperately wants to open the pod and hug her little girl but Harry and Luna both showed them what void energy can do to robots while The Lotus, or Natah when she's not working, explained what's happening.

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"Those figures over there are called Warframes, they're a bioengineered construct designed to fight my species by the Orokin. Most of them were designed from scratch, however a few were experiments that the Orokin performed on their own people. Until the Tenno came along we were winning quite handily, as we are better at using technology than they were."

Danjell says with a yelp, "It's Clark tech."

"What's that?"

"An author and researcher named Arthur C Clark wrote 'Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic'. That's what you've got here. All of this, to us it might as well be magic. Please explain it like it was."

"Very well, Warframes are bodies that the Tenno inhabit while they are asleep in their pods. The reason they're able to do this without going insane is due to the void energy that they contain. However, controlling void energy is, difficult and it's not something that can be easily trained. They tried that before they developed the Transference system. The helmet I wear was created by my predecessor after they accidentally blinded her in a way that they couldn't heal. She was a lucky one, other guardians and researchers died to random, uncontrolled expressions of void energies. They even tried wiping their memories under the assumption that it was the trauma from the circumstances they gained their void powers under was the cause of the outbursts. It wasn't true. Control comes from acceptance and realisation, part of that is being able to wake up from what we call the Second Dream. The same will be true of Hermione, don't take Luna as an example of how quickly it will happen, she's a special case. It's more likely that it will take more than 100 years for her to wake up. Once she's done it learning how to separate herself from her warframe will be fairly quick. Probably only a couple of years."

Amelia sags, "So we'll be dead and buried by the time it's safe for her to hug us in person."

"I can turn you into a Sentient like myself. You'll then have plenty of time."

Danjell leaps in, "Done, sold, when can we do it?"

Amelia turns to her husband, "Dan, Dan! Danjell Michael Granger, you will calm down right this moment."

"But it's Hermione."

"Time also passes faster here than it does back home. It's not something that we need to decide right now, and it's not something we should decide before finding out more about it."

"You're right Mia, and I'm sorry."

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The Lotus approaches the other side of the pod, "Would you like to help me change Hermione?"

Amelia nods tears in her eyes, "Yes please."

With a touch the lid of the pod opens and her daughter is lying there looking so small and fragile. Amelia gasps when she sees the damage to Hermione's clothing, encompassing most of her abdomen on the right hand side. Hesitantly she takes her hand in her own, and smiles when it twitches. Together they remove her clothes and clean her skin. Then The Lotus removes the hair on Hermione's head with a sweep of her hand. Then they dress her in a black isolation suit with built in blindfold and ear muffs.

"Amelia, may I ask. Why do you and your husband use Dan and Emma sometimes?"

She sighs, "Bigotry. Dan's family came over from Armenia in the second world war, and my name is old fashioned. So because we got insults and racial slurs thrown at us at university, we chose to go by shortened versions of our names when we opened our practice. And, well, when you use a name enough you get used to it."

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