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Minerva steps through into the last place she wanted to be, before her changes had finished. There are a number of healers here that will diagnose first, check to see if you're a patient afterwards. Making her way to the front desk, she looks the receptionist in the eye. "Miss, would it be possible to speak to the director. I need to hire a healer for an extended visit, it may be life or death."

The receptionist rolls her eyes, before writing a note and tapping it with her wand, so that it turns into an aeroplane, and flies off to the Director.

The Director, a swarthy man with a defined girth, arrives fairly quickly. Though whether it was down to the word hire, or the words life or death, no one will ever know.

"What can I do for you Professor?" he says in a broad Yorkshire accent.

Putting on a smile, Minerva just hands him the letter she received.

After reading it, he looks up, "How long do you think they'd be gone for."

"Probably the Christmas holidays. Though, the Potter Clan is willing to pay for 3 years of their time."

The Director chokes, "You what?"

"There is time magic involved."

He nods understandingly, "I wish I could help you, but I have so many staff taking breaks, that we'll be running on the bare minimum over Christmas as it is. The only Healer currently in the Hospital that isn't needed over Christmas, is Healer Tonks, and that's because her shift ends in an hour, and then she's off for Christmas."

"Would you mind if I spoke to her?"

"Not at all, if you'll follow me, I'll lead you to her office."

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"Tonks, I have Professor McGonagall here to see you."

Minerva sighs as she's hit by a brace of diagnostic spells and Andromeda's eyes widen noticeably. Quickly stepping into the office and closing the door, she erects her own privacy charms.

As soon as she's finished, Andromeda is on her feet, wand under Minerva's chin, "What are you?"

Minerva physically disarms Andromeda faster than she can blink, "I am Professor McGonagall, and I always have been. I am also changing into something different. But that's not why I'm here."

"How did you get my wand so quickly?"

Minerva laughs, "I told you, I'm changing into something different. If you want more information, agree to this job." She passes over the letter.

Andromeda reads it, then reads the signature line more carefully, "Pandora? The Lovegoods dropped of the face of the planet back in September."

Minerva chuckles again, "Not exactly dropped, more like flew. In a spaceship."

"Don't tell me you've been watching muggle TV shows."

"I haven't, I don't even know which TV show's you're talking about. However, clan Potter is willing to pay you 3 years wages for this."

"I can't, this is the last Christmas before Nymphadora joins the Auror's as a trainee."

Minerva shrugs, "Bring her along, and I'll give her 3 years on and off personal tutoring as well. Your husband too."

Andromeda narrows her eyes, "That seems awfully specific."

Minerva smiles, "Time runs approximately 81 times faster where you're going than it does here. Hence the urgency."

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