New Base

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New Base

As Cy pilots the Railjack into the large space that will one day be a drydock, Harry looks nervously at the large white sphere that's taking up nearly all of the height of the engineering deck. Too large and complicated to be digitised by even the most powerful of Orokin systems, it was built automatically by the systems on Lua, then teleported onto the Railjack using it's own systems. It is an Orokin seed, the very thing that they used to build their towers and underground bases. Behind him is the much smaller Tenno seed that they use for building Dojo's out of asteroids. Hermione was going out with Luna while his mother looked for a spare orbiter, or a restorable one anyway. She's, she's doing well. He can see the cracks where the girl that was thrown in the deep end and learnt to swim is still struggling, but being in a Warframe is smoothing out the worst of the trauma. Just like they were designed to do, if there was one thing that the Orokin were good at, it was dealing with trauma. Probably the only way that some of them were able to sleep at night. Fully aware that he's prevaricating, Harry goes out in his archwing to inspect the tunnels that the MOA's have dug out. After a through inspection, that just confirms what the reports and sensors have said, he calls Amelia.


"Hi, I'm in the system at the moment, just installing the seed that will grow the complex that we'll be keeping our bodies in while we're at school. Is there anything you'd like me to transport back with me?"

"Oh, er, right. You're Harry aren't you. Of course you are, it even says so below your picture."

"Are you ok?"

"Yes. No. It's all just so, overwhelming."

"Honestly, I can't imagine what you're going through. This has been my whole life. What I can say is that it is probably both better and worse than you fear. And the bits that are one or the other will surprise you every time. When you're overwhelmed by what might be, start looking at what is, and what you can do to make it a little better."

"I. Thank you. I never thought I'd be taking life advice from a teenager."

"I'm more like 880, maybe 900 years old. Something about the void energy in us stops us from aging past that."

"So you're missing out on some of the major brain development"

"In long term planning and risk analysis. Yes we know. As a group Tenno can be very, childish, because of it. It doesn't change who and what we are."

"Sorry. It's just hard."

"It's ok, it's often a sore spot for us as many of our detractors in the solar system will call us children despite the fact that we've got centuries more experience than they do."

Amelia grimaces, "Yeah, I can see that. Women get called girls all the time, even when we're in our 30's. It's, infantilising. Listen, I'm currently packing up Hermione's Library. Well, it's only really about 300 books, but that's what we call it. If you could pick that up it would be great."

"I'll talk to Cy and see what he says, but I think he's finished analysing the emissions coming from the planet and worked out the wave lengths they use for detecting things, and the ones they use for communications. So we should be able to set the lander to absorb those and come in nearby."

Cy joins the call, "Captain, if Ordis can get a lander into a secure Corpus base for an infiltration mission, I can put the same lander down in one of the green spaces near Amelia's position. Short of someone seeing us, which given the axial tilt of the planet in that location should be almost impossible, after 6pm local time, with the naked eye, and I can avoid the electronic cameras and telescopes easily."

Amelia shakes her head, "Cy, you're scary, do you realise that?"

Harry chooses to head that off before it can get started, "Do you know what a vi d o is? Hermione was saying she wanted to get some. Specifically star wars. Though why you'd want war amongst the stars when the solar system is still in turmoil I have no idea."

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