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"Ordis, would you be able to open a channel to Tyl Regor please?"

"Mistress, what are you doing?"

"Harry's gone to school now, so Wisp and I don't have to sneak out anymore. But if I don't find balance soon I'll lose myself to the void. Tyle Regor is holding balance so I'm going to ask him nicely if I can have a copy of the blueprints."

"Mistress, this is not a sanctioned mission."

"Ordis, will you open the channel, or do I have to send Hed?"

"Ordis is opening a channel operator."

"Tenno, no longer hiding behind a warframe I see."

"Tyl Regor I presume, we've never met, I'm Luna Lovegood. You have the balance and I need her. Can I have a copy?"

"Why don't you come down here so I can take you to the Queen."

"I'd rather not meet her, she seems a little to preoccupied with bodysnatching for my comfort levels. All I want is a copy of the balance, and I'm going to get it one way or another."

"If you show your face I will squash it like a bug, and then deliver your broken body to my Queen."

"Ok, hard way it is then. I'll see you soon."

"Operator, I hope you know what you're doing."

"Don't worry Ordis, I'm 14 not 9, and you've helped me get this far already."

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Pandora and Xeno both approached the Ministry of magic in their subframes. Pandora holds Xenorchomenus in his synthetic Moses Basket. Their child is carefully wrapped so that his frame isn't apparent, only his subframe. In hindsight, the last 5 years have been glorious, though there were moments when she really wished that Xeno wasn't so Xeno sometimes. Such as when he blithely walked up to a Demios Jugulus to look at the patterning on it's gumline.

The wizard manning the desk looks up, "Pandora, good to see you. What brings you to my neck of the woods today?"

"We'd like to register a birth, this is Xenorchomenus."

"Wow, you kept that quiet, when did this happen?"

"Well, Xeno did the most adorable thing last year and we watched a beautiful sunrise at the top of a mountain. One thing led to another and, I'm sure you know."

"I meant, how wasn't it gossip all over the ministry?"

"I kept it quiet, you remember what the rumours were like when I had Luna. I didn't want to subject myself to that again."

"I understand. I'd just like to say for the record that I don't agree with any of those rumours, despite the Lovegood curse."

Pandora forces herself to keep a cheery disposition as the idiot just demonstrated why those rumours hurt so much, "That's ok, anyway, I can we get this done as I need to go and quit my job. I think taking care of this little one is going to be a full-time job."

"Don't I know it, I remember when Tina was a wee babe. We had to use sticking charms on everything. Then we had to put everything out of reach once she learnt to crawl."

Pandora mutters, "Doesn't matter when they can fly."

"Flight, what a precocious little thing you are. I bet you learn to apparate before you're 6."

"I hope not."

"Don't worry, I've heard of cases of flying babies before. They grow out of it, as they never see us flying. If they don't buy them a training broom and they'll soon forget how to do it on their own."

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