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Albus looks over his desk at his Deputy with some concern, "Are you sure you want to do this? We could send Hagrid."

"No, I've been the main contact through the letters, and I want to see that he's ok with my own eyes. That and they might have an issue with time magic, and Hagrid wouldn't be able to deal with that."

"But how are you going to get there?"

"I spoke to Fawkes while you were out, and he agreed to take me."

"I can't persuade you to let another staff member go?"

"Apart from you Albus, I am the most experienced staff member, and most able to deal with any situation that might arise."

Slumping in his chair, Albus strokes his beard in a comforting gesture, "I'm not going to talk you out of this am I."

"No, I allowed you to leave him with those ghastly muggles and now he's who knows where. This time I'm not going to leave him to fend for himself."

Albus decides to keep quiet about the fact that Petunia never even saw the boy.

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Natah looks down at the most recent sentient that she's worked on since setting the capture bounty. A feeling of melancholy comes over her as she considers the irony that these Sentients can be made here, while those that are sapient like herself become sterile when they pass through the gap. Not only has it survived the experience, but there also seems to be a spark of something in it's movements. Harry comes in wearing one of his warframes, Banshee Prime if she's not mistaken, as he does, the sentient flinches at his presence. That's, unusual. She holds out a hand palm facing towards Harry, and he stops. After a few minutes of not dying, the Sentient starts looking for a way out, and failing that moves as far away from Harry as it can.

"Mum. What did you do?"

Natah thinks for a moment, "I think I've given it a soul."

"I hope you're not going to do this to yourself after only one success."

Natah laughs, "No Harry, I'm not going to perform an experimental procedure on myself that has currently killed 157 out of 158 sentients it has been tried on."

"Good, I don't want to lose you so soon after getting to know you."

"You won't. Now be ready to dodge, I'm going to turn its weapons back on."

Harry's ready when it does immediately open fire, what he wasn't ready for is the fact it shot the floor in front of him. Even so, he jumps backwards and to one side, then watches in amazement as it doesn't immediately follow up on the first shots. "Mum."

"Yes Harry."

"Have you just turned a Sentient killing machine into a wild animal?"

"It seems that way."

"Right, just wanted to be sure. Anyway, you wanted me to give you a couple of hours warning before the teacher was due to arrive."

"Oh, yes, I need to set up the scanning equipment. Thank you Harry, could you give me a hand with it?"


"You know, Maroo seems to be doing really well as the face of the Tenno. She seems to have enough hardened explorer vibe to make people treat with her seriously."

"Told you."

"Yes you did. Though Ordis isn't doing so well communicating with the Tenno, I have to take over far too much."

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