Self Discovery

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Self discovery

Neville sits at the table Harry and Hermione normally do their English lesson at, while reading the animated guide to potion making book that Harry lent him, before both He and Hermione disappeared. He can't help but wonder what's happened to make them miss classes today, and meals. One of the Weasley twins sits down next to him, "Hi, Longbottom right?"

Neville marks his place and replies politely, "Weasley."

"Call me Fred, or is it George today? Eh, whatever one of those will do."

"Then call me Neville."

"As our illustrious head of house has decided that the Quidditch team is doubling as the prefects for the moment, Fred and I noticed that you seem to have been struggling with potions."

"I thought you were Fred?"

"I am, but you've not answered the question."

"Yeah, I keep making mistakes and Professor Snape doesn't help."

"Well, George and I happen to be dab hands at potions. If you watch our less salubrious brother over there, he should be about to notice that someone left a sweet lying around."

Neville watches with morbid fascination as Ron looks up from his chess set and notices the sweet just out of reach that doesn't have anyone nearby. Looking around, he leans over and snags the sweet, unwraps it and is merrily chewing on it within a second. Just after he swallows, his tongue pokes out from between his lips and then suddenly seems to swell to an enormous size. He watches as it twitches feebly while Ron tries to talk.

"Don't worry, it will wear off in a couple of minutes. And if the hints we've put together are anything to go by, Ron is one of the primary reasons that Hermione isn't here today, and why we're standing in for the prefects."

"What about Harry?"

"No idea. However, we thought we'd offer you some one-on-one help with your potions."

"Are you sure? Everyone seems to think that you are layabouts that spend more time having fun than you do on your schoolwork."

"They are absolutely correct, but what they fail to consider is just how much work we put into having fun. There's a reason why the teachers turn a blind eye to well executed pranks, and it's because to execute them you need to know far more than they've taught you. The key to all of magic is creativity, and Professor Snape is absolutely brilliant at squashing it. So, how about it, would you like some help with your potions?"

Neville swallows hard, "Y yes. I would, thank you."

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Ironclaw looks at the letter he's just received in disbelief. Simaris wants every single science fiction book and video they can get their hands on. He's not even sure what science fiction, or videos are. He hurries off to find one of the banks muggleborn. He is seriously considering approaching the directors about adopting some of these muggleborn into the clans. Just because they often have the same problems with the wizarding world they do, and they are also able to move freely in the mundane world.

After a brief conversation, the muggleborn in question was handed several stacks of bills and told to buy everything they could in a couple of hours. The fact that forbidden planet was completely sold out would make the local news for the next week.

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Natah floats beside the pod that holds Harry, his wisp still lying insensate on the floor where she'd left it. She's aware of the fact that she's had visitors aplenty, but her focus has been solely on the progress that his implants are making with their repairs and reconfiguration, as well as the damage to her brain. She's also aware that a large number of the visitors have been awakened Tenno, if she wasn't so worried about Harry, she'd have been concerned that they'd seen her like this rather than only using her subframe. Idly she notes that her systems are communicating with the other female sentients around her and reconfiguring her subframe for more optimal reproduction.

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