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Kitty is wandering around the castle that Harry and Hermione go to school in, wearing Nezha. Around the corner comes a kavat of some description, clearly well kept by the plump middle. It takes one sniff of her and before disappearing back round the corner as though a bigger cat had just turned up. Probably smelled her own kavats. Before she can continue, an old man walks round the corner, back bent with age, but still standing with a wiry strength. The cat from before is perched on his shoulder.

"Ere, what are you doing?"

"Oh, I'm just looking around. I'm Kitty of clan Potter, who are you?"

"Argus Filch, caretaker of the school. How did you get here?"

"Oh, I came with Harry and Hermione. They're in class at the moment, so I decided to explore."

Argus grunts, "You'll have to come with me to see the Head Master, I wasn't notified about any guests."

"Oh, certainly, lead the way."

Consideringly looking at the weapons attached to the Nezha, Argus turns and walks back the way he came, Kitty following good naturedly. Eventually they come to a stone gargoyle, where Argus says, "Filch to see the Head Master."

After a few minutes the gargoyle steps to one side, revealing a spiral staircase with moving stone steps. Stepping on the steps, they are carried up to the Head Masters office.

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"Good afternoon Mr..."

"Hi, I'm Kitty. I just love your school."

"I'm sure you do, however I do have to ask how you found your way here."

"We landed in the forest over there, and I walked in after having a look around the forest for a bit. Did you know you have some very aggressive spiders out there?"

"Indeed, I did, though most who find out are unable to ever report that fact. It is, in fact, one of the reasons it is forbidden. That still does not explain how you were able to get past the wards."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Ah, I see. Would you by chance be afflicted with the same condition as Miss Granger?"

"Kind of, more like Harry though."

"Hmm. Would you humour an old man, and exit your magical armour?"

Kitty shrugs, and transfers out, "Sure."

"No confusion, still tracking the items in the room. Mr, ah, my mistake, Miss Kitty, are you experiencing any feelings of fear, disorientation, or visual hallucinations?"

"What? No why would I be experiencing those?"

"Not even a sense that you left the oven on at home?"

"I have no idea what an oven is, so no."

"Would you be willing to indulge me once more in an experiment?"

"If it involves blood I'm back in my Warframe before you can say corpus exec. I've heard of the things you lot can do with blood, and na ah, not happening."

"That was my first idea, but I think I have a trinket called a Merlin orb. Though it was invented in the 17th century, and nobody called Merlin has ever touched it. It was all the rage for a few decades until people realised that it had no practical use. You see, it measures magical potential. However, as it doesn't work on children, the only age group that people would want to use it for, all it really tells you is how long you could last in a slug fest. Which given how many people in the duelling circuit were winning with scores that would suggest they should lose. Ah, here it is. If you could just hold this in your hands for a few minutes, it will begin to glow. I will then be using a small spell to read the result."

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