Chapter 5 (Rewritten)

Start from the beginning

In minutes, we arrive downtown at the station. They haul each of us inside and throw us together in a single cell.

"You realize you're all going to court for this, right?" The officer that hauled me in says.

"Court?" Paul asks. "You're kidding, right?"

The officer shakes his head. "Nope. Mr. Conway is pressing charges against all of you."

"This can't go to court!" Paul exclaims. "My parents will kill me. And my sister, Kelsey, will probably murder me in my sleep." Unfortunately, Paul is right. His parents are so strict they would put some of the punishment on Kelsey for not watching over her brother.

"Should of thought of that before you committed the crime." The officer shrugs.

"Shit!" I exclaim as the officer walks away. I'm screwed. My mom is going to find out that I'm hanging out with the very people she doesn't me to. Not only that but, I stole a car and got arrested.

"This is because of you two." Kyle says, gesturing to Paul and Eric. "You two idiots came up with the idea."

"And you all went along with it!" Eric exclaims, glaring at his brother.

"When mom gets here, I'm telling her the truth." Kyle says as he crosses his arms over his chest. "No reason for me to get into trouble because of you."

I tune them out as their sibling banter starts. The others sit quietly, the nerves plain on their faces. No matter whose idea it was, we all took part and now we're all in the same boat.

About twenty minutes later, Kyle and Eric's mom shows up first. She's still dressed in her khakis and green vest from the supermarket she works in. As soon as the cell door opens, Kyle starts to plead his case, throwing Eric under the bus in the process.

Another couple of minutes pass and Lance's mom shows up, along with Paul's dad. As the cell doors are opened once more, Lance's mother takes him into a hug before placing a kiss on his cheek. Lance's mother has always been the, talk first and give decide punishment later type, which is probably why he's the least screwed up out of all of us. He's always hated disappointing his mother.

Paul avoids eye contact with his father as he leaves the cell. The disappointment on Paul's father's face was enough to scold Paul for the moment. I feel sorry for what he and Kelsey will go through once he's home.

Once the others are gone, Dustin and I are the only two left. He lays on the bench, one arm draped across his chest and the other falling loosely at his side. He stares up at the ceiling as if in a daze.

"They're not coming, you know." He finally says, breaking the silence.

"Who?" I ask, leaning back against the wall.

"My parents." He answers. "They're probably too drunk to answer the phone. Though I think I'd rather spend the night in here anyway."

"You never know." I shrug. "They could be the next to show up."

"Marco Millet!" An officer calls. "Your mother is here to get you." A chill runs up my spine as goosebumps suddenly appear on my arms. My mom stands at the end of the hallway with her arms crossed over her chest and the look of death in her eyes. The officer opens the cell door and I hesitate before walking out.

"Good luck." Dustin says before I slowly make my way towards my mom. Before I can get too close, she turns and walks away, giving me the opportunity to stay far away from her.

I Fell For A Gang Member [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now