Where were you?

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Taehyung was driving the car, the leaving thing wasn't leaving from his mind. He felt the worst person in the world. He dragged Jungkook in his misery, it was okay if he got bullied. Jungkook had to appoint the psychiatrist only because of him!

'Why I am this weak? The person who needs the therapy is me... Not my koo!'
Taehyung sighed sadly.

Jungkook noticed Taehyung's teary eyes.

"Hyungie... Please don't cry"
Taehyung immediately wiped his tears.

"No bunny, I am not crying see..."
Taehyung said giving the smile.

"I'm sorry hyun--"
"Why are you sorry baby? Don't need to say sorry"
Taehyung said softly.

"B-but you are not l-leaving me, right?"
Jungkook felt like crying. Taehyung was vulnerable.

"N-no hyung... Not at all! I'm sorry I talked about it. I just don't wanted to give you burden"
Jungkook said wiping his tears which weren't ready to stop flowing.

"Okay I'm just happy that you aren't leaving me."
Taehyung giggled. His giggled look everything but happy.

"I love you kook-ah never ever think to leave me, okay?"
"Yes hyungie... I will never leave you"
Jungkook assured his love softly.

Soon they reached the mansion. Taehyung was not leaving Jungkook for a second. Bogum noticed that something had happened in the office so he didn't bothered them for a while.

"Hyungie let me change, I will not leave you"
Jungkook said softly.

"Koo I ain't leaving you. You can change in the bathroom"
Taehyung said crossing his arms.

Jungkook said and went to change.

After a minute or so Jungkook came.

"You should get changed hyungie"
Taehyung shook his head.

Taehyung stubbornly.

"I am not taking no as an answer!"
Taehyung huffed loudly.

"But koo--"
"Come on..."
Jungkook dragged Taehyung towards Taehyung's room.

He pushed Taehyung in the bathroom before handling him the comfortable clothes to wear. Bogum watched their every move.

"Can I ask you what's happening here?"
Bogum asked to worried Jungkook.

That's it, Jungkook broke down infront of Bogum. He panicked and rubbed his back to calm him down.

"Tell me bun... What happened to our strong kookoo?"
Jungkook took Bogum to his room and told him everything.
Bogum widen his eyes.

"What?! That Myeongseok?!"
Bogum asked shockingly, Jungkook nodded

"I was having the doubt on him already, I asked to tae but he never told me!! I am going to kill him"
Bogum stood up.

"Where are you going?"
Jungkook asked.

"To kill him"
Bogum said anger rising in him.

"He got fired"
"It's only the small punishment! He should beaten to the pulp, like he bullied my best friend!! I wi--"

"JUNGKOOK?! Where are you?"
Bogum and Jungkook flinched at the sudden loud voice.

Jungkook immediately went out of the room and saw Taehyung was searching Jungkook like a mad man. As soon as Taehyung saw Jungkook he latched himself on Jungkook.

"Where were you?!"
Taehyung asked not leaving Jungkook for a second.

"I was in my room hyung"
Jungkook said softly patting Taehyung's back in soothing manner.

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