Mentally disturbed

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"How was your audition hyung? You didn't called or messaged me"
Jungkook muttered to himself and made himself engrossed in his work.

The door slammed open my none other than Myeongseok. Jungkook glanced at the person and internally rolled his eyes.

"Don't you have any manners Mr. Myeongseok?"
Jungkook asked coldly.

Myeongseok clenched his fist but composed himself.

"Oh sorry baby--"
"Don't you dare to talk like this with me!"
Jungkook slammed the table.

"Calm down boy... Okay you don't like me calling you baby then what should I call you? Bodyguard?"
Jungkook's expression took 360° turn.

"W-what-- How? Who t-old you?"
Jungkook asked gulping the lump formed in his throat.

"That doesn't matters, right? And what if I told it to anyone what would be everyone's reaction, when a mere Bodyguard is going to be a CEO..."
Myeongseok tried to threaten him.

"Okay! If you want to announce that I'm a bodyguard you can, uncle! Because I don't care"
Jungkook said before sitting down on chair smirking.

Myeongseok gritted his teeth but said
"How about this mere bodyguard lose his family?"
Jungkook shot a glare.

"What do you mean?"
Jungkook's tone got low by passing seconds.

"I mean to say that what if your mom and dad got ki--"

Jungkook cut Myeongseok off by pushing him harshly on the floor and pressed his foot on his neck making him choke.

"Dare to talk about my family and you will lost your life!!"
Jungkook yelled at his face.

"You can't do that... Because I have the authority--"
Myeongseok challenged him.

"Throw your authority in trash I'm not Taehyung who will get scared by this stupid threat..."
Jungkook pressed his shoe on Myeongseok's neck tightly.

"Soo this was the thing, that's why hyung was not taking any action"
Jungkook said leaving Myeongseok.

Myeongseok started to cough vigorously.

"Don't t-think it a-as a stupid threat Jeon Jungkook, you do--don't know my ca-capabilty"
Hearing this Jungkook started to laugh maniacally.

"So you are saying that you can harm my family, you know nothing Myeongseok. I belong to strong family even Kim family is strong, you can't even touch our hair. Taehyung hyung is kind and respects the b_stard person like you that's why he kept all the bad things you do hidden"

Jungkook crouched down to the level of Myeongseok whispering.

"Now Taehyung will be leaving this company and next onwards I'm handling it and you can imagine what will happen with you"
Myeongseok gulped at the strong aura of Jungkook.

"Just be happy for some days because right now Taehyung hasn't resigned yet... Okay?"
Myeongseok stared at him confusedly.

"W-what are you trying to say?"
Myeongseok asked making Jungkook shook his head.

"Nothing uncle.... Just. Get. Lost"
Jungkook yelled on his face who ran as fast as he can.

"Huh, dumpster, threatening me!"
Jungkook smirked.

"That's why you were angry that time, hyungie"
He muttered to himself and started to work.


Taehyung's audition went pretty well. He was happy and was his way to his home, suddenly he remembered about Jungkook.

'You are fine right, bun?' He thought in his mind.

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