I'm ready!

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Mr. Jeon aka Jungkook's father was looking at his son who was packing his bags. Jungkook looked over his father.

"So all set baby?"
Jungkook nodded hugging his dad excitedly.

"Are you sure you will do?"
Jungkook frowned.

"I'll do it dad don't worry, and moreover it's my dream to protect."

"Oh my goodness my kookie's grown up now hm?"
Jungkook giggled.

"Mr. Kim is very nice dad, he treat me like his own child"
Jungkook said with a nose crunch.

"I know and when you saved the girl at the party that day and beat the shit of her bully, Mr. Kim got impressed and he literally begged you"
Mr. Jeon laughed imagining the face of Mr. Kim.

"Dad don't laugh"
Jungkook sulked because he can't bother his appa's misery.

"Okay sorry! But I know you wanna become a professional boxer, right?"
Jungkook nodded.

"Not only that but I wanna build up the boxing academy where I can teach boxing to the people who are in need. And this is the starting of it by being a bodyguard of Mr. Kim Taehyung"
Jungkook said proudly to his father.

"Are you ready baby?"
Mrs. Jeon spoke from behind.

"Yes mom! I'm ready!!"

"I'll miss you baby"
Mrs. Jeon said with teary eyes, kissing Jungkook's forehead.

"Aww don't cry mom, and I'll miss you too, this is the first step to achieve my dream"
Jungkook said to his mom hugging her softly.

"I know my baby is strong, and you'll make us proud"
Mrs. Jeon chuckled cutely pinching Jungkook's mushy cheek.

"But don't beat so harsh to those who will harm that Taehyung guy okay"
Jungkook laughed at his father's words.

"Okay dad I'll try to control my anger"

"Okay now, I'll take my leave, take care and yes, you have to visit! Because I can't come you know right?"
Jungkook said taking the luggage with himself.

"Yes we'll come and also we have to see that person who is in need of protection"
Mr. Jeon said curiously.

With that Jungkook hugged his parents one last time and left to Daegu to be assigned as a bodyguard.


Jungkook stopped the cab infront of the mentioned address.

Jungkook stopped the cab infront of the mentioned address

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"Oh my my... It's such a beautiful mansion"
Jungkook admired the mansion.

He was going to enter the mansion but the security guard stopped him.

"You can't go inside sir"
Jungkook frowned.

"Eh? Appa didn't informed you that I'm coming?"
Guard squinted his eyebrow.

Mr. Bodyguard ✓Where stories live. Discover now