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Things had been quite dramatic in the Spellman household ever since Sabrina's dark baptism gone-awry. It had only gotten evermore dramatic once Sabrina had finally managed to write her name in the Book of the Beast.
Most days, Adrienne almost didn't dare fall asleep in case she awoke to an intruder with murderous intent aside her bed.

"Ada, dearest, are you going to be gracing us with your presence at the table this morning?"
Adrienne's reflections on the past few weeks were cut short by Ambrose's address to her. Suddenly she was back in the room, smelling the delicious breakfast that Hilda had made.

"Pardon me, Ambrose," She offered a smile to the beautiful and charming Ambrose Spellman. "I was reflecting on the past few weeks of unexpected chaos. It's put me quite on edge."

"At least someone in this house is acknowledging it. Sometimes it feels like Sabrina has no concern for the destruction she is leaving in her wake since denying the Dark Lord."

The comment came from Zelda Spellman, who Adrienne had a whole heart of admiration for. The woman worked hard to appear composed and elegant at every second. Out of all in the house, Zelda was probably the most consistently devoted witch in the Church of Night.

Normally, Zelda's comment would have received rebuttal from the all-forgiving Hilda Spellman or Sabrina herself. However, this morning, Sabrina had left early for the academy and was not at risk of hearing a discussion about her.

Adrienne thought back to her own dark baptism. Seventy years had passed since that ceremonious night. Any form of contract is daunting, especially one bound in blood to an all-powerful being. Adrienne understood Sabrina's worries there. The rest was down to each person's faith and pride in being a witch. Sabrina seemed barely proud to be a witch a lot of the time. She much preferred her mortal activities in Greenwood. Zelda and Hilda had even let her attend a mortal school!

Adrienne Bathory had been living with the Spellman's since she was seven. Zelda and Hilda had both awoken one morning to a letter from Adrienne's mother, Irene, on their doorstep. The sisters were used to seeing little Ada jumping joyfully when visiting the Spellman residence for yuletide and other festivities. In the letter Irene pleaded that Zelda fulfil a promise she had made years before and take her daughter into her home.

Hilda had said 'yes' before Zelda had time to respond. Hilda had reached the time in her life when she wanted to have a child, but no one she wanted to have a child with.

Little Ada had arrived a few days later, escorted by the high priest of the church of night, Faustus Blackwood. He informed the Spellman sisters of Irene's death whilst Ada was ushered inside by Ambrose who then took her to the greenhouse to identify plants.

"Your eminence," Zelda bowed. She and Hilda stepped aside to enable Father Blackwood entrance. Ambrose had also read the note left by Irene Spellman. Upon seeing the young girl by Father Blackwood's side, he immediately smiled and invited her to join him in the greenhouse.

"Sisters Spellman, might we discuss matters in a private space?"
The three walking into the sitting room. Hilda quickly retreated to the kitchen to make tea for their visitor.

"Irene Bathory is dead." Father Blackwood began. "Her wishes were clear that if anything were to happen to her, Zela would be her child's nightmother."

"Yes. We received a letter from her a few days ago asking that we take in little Ada." Zelda informed. The news of her friend's death was still heavy on her heart. Hilda had tears welling in her eyes.

"I arrived at the Bathory residence two nights ago after receiving a summoning from Irene. I found her stabbed to death in her nightgown. An angel lay by her feet."

"An angel!" Zelda gasped. "A witch hunter. At least she got them too. Poor Irene."

"This angel had died after Irene." Father Blackwood waited to see the puzzled expressions from Zelda and Hilda. "Yes. The child killed the angel. I was as surprised as you are. Perhaps her mother taught her protective and defensive spells. But the child is young and the building of power takes time. If it were up to me, I would raise the child myself with my wife, Lady Blackwood. However Irene's wishes have been stated. I was visited by the Dark Lord last night. He urged that I leave Ada in your care."

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