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     Gunshots were fired, and that made Y/N wake up from her unconsciousness.

"Fuck!" she hissed. "In the head again, I'm going to fucking kill them."

When she heard someone struggling beside her, she tried to shake her head, but the pain was not going to go away. She also noticed that her other eye was blurry from the blood. Her body is beat up, she felt another stinging pain in her back.

"Great, another hole." She tried to get up, but then she saw Chad coughing and swimming in his own blood.

She crawled near him and said, "I'm sorry, man, I'm going to get you help."

She leans onto the counter and pushes herself up. She lets out a loud cry, feeling every pain in her body. She needs to do this because she knows Tara and Sam are still there with the real killer. She grabs the knife that she lost and starts to walk.

Right when she opens the door, she sees Bailey aiming a gun, Tara and Sam are in the center, Y/N walks more, and she sees Kirby bleeding from a gash in her temple, unsteady on her feet.

"Did you kill Quinn? Did you kill my daughter?" the detective shouts.

Y/N realizes what the detective is saying.

"Fuck you!" Y/N shouts. "You know Quinn's not dead, she's a killer and I think you too." Y/N walks, struggling but aiming her knife.

Bailey turns at her while still aiming his gun at Kirby.

"Are you out of your head?" the old man shouts teary-eyed.

" I know you're working together, so did two of you kill my daughter?" Bailey shouts, his voice cracking.

'They are setting us up,' Y/N realizes.

"You're setting us up."

"Behind you!" Kirby shouts. When a ghostface approaches the detective behind his back,

Y/N's eyes widen when Bailey shoots his gun. She heard Tara and Sam scream. Y/N runs to attack him, but another gunshot is fired at her. She manages to dodge it, but it catches her legs. Y/N screams in agony.

"You have the guts to fight us, huh, you little shit," the detective smirked at her, while Y/N was just there, crippled in pain. The sisters hold each other, they don't know what's going on now.

Bailey laughs, then another ghostface appears in his back. Y/N watches in pain. He compliments the two killers. She can hear Tara's direction, but Bailey just makes fun of them because he's expecting more.

Then Ethan revealed himself: "Mindy was right! it was easy to juke the roommate lottery. All I had to do to meet you was room with a conceited, condescending alpha—literally named Chad."

Then he looked at Y/N on the floor and said, "Fuck, it felt good to kill him, because Y/N here is so weak he couldn't even kill the boy who wants to fuck his girl."

Y/N looked at him angrily, she's trying to stand up from her position. She gave up and just leans in and catches her breath. Then it was Quinn's turn to reveal herself. Bailey continues to talk about what he has done, and Quinn walks to Y/N and kneels down to her.

"I'm sorry, you didn't even kill Chad, so you're not going to get away." Then she kicks Y/N, which causes her to scream again.

Y/N just stayed there in pain while the killers circled around the two sisters, talking about what's happening to them because of this three-fucked-up psycho, the killings, and the rumors that Sam was the killer. It just continues, but Y/N's losing a lot of blood, and the talks become murmurs for her.

Y/N felt someone approach her and say, "Get up!"

Quinn got her up without being cautious, then dragged her, strangled her in the neck, and leveled the knife into her neck. Tara looks at her, and then she looks at Quinn angrily.

"And then what? When you're done with us, you just disappear," Sam asked.

"No, then we go to the hospital to make sure Mindy and Gale don't pull through." Bailey walks down,

"And here's our other killer, a fucking useless recruit. I'm going to make sure the world will know that you Samantha Carpenter, who has a fucked-up vision of his serial killer dad, and Y/N, of course, we can't let the tradition die that someone's lover should be a killer. I will make sure you two will be known as the killer!"

Y/N holds her knife tighter so she can see Sam, looking at Tara and getting her attention. Y/N and Tara understand Sam. While Sam's provoking the man and making fun of his dead son, Y/N saw Tara and looked at her. She made sure Tara saw her knife, then got back to the detective.

"Shut the fuck up!" Quinn released Y/N to lunge at Sam, but Y/N pushed her onto Tara to be clocked by a brick in the face. Teeth fly as Quinn collapses to the floor. Ethan attacked Kirby, but Sam ran to them.

Y/N stumbles down to the floor again, losing her balance, she can't walk because her leg is fucked up.

"Come on, let's go." Tara guides her up, she puts her hand around Tara, then they walk near the scaffolding.

"Let's go up here, there's an exit there," Tara says, looking at Y/N.

Y/N removed herself from the girl and said, "Go first, and just get help, I cant do it, my legs are fucked up."

Then, she tears off the costume she has and ties it into her wound. It's like dejavu; instead, it's her leg, not her thigh. She bit her lip to lessen the pain, then she heard Tara calling Sam. The older woman approach her.

"Come on now," Sam said, offering her hands.

She looked at her and her legs and said, "Thanks, but I can't; I'm going to hide here; just get help because I'm really bleeding out." Y/N gave her a teethy smile and a thumbs up.

"Joking around, huh? Wait here, and we'll talk after all these," Sam said before climbing up. 

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