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     .         Y/n opened her eyes slowly because she heard a couple gunshots from the other side. she tried to move but knew her strength had failed her. she feels pain everywhere. she heard another gunshot, and then there was silence. steps and whimpers are just the things that could be heard. Y/n knows, it ended.

Y/n cried when she tried to lay her back down and position herself properly; she felt like she lost all her blood because of her wound in the back.

"hey, hey, let me help you." Tara says softly, after saw what Y/n struggling, the girl knelt to Y/n, sniffing, trying not to cry because of the other girl's situation.

"are you good?" Tara asked again with a teary eye.

Y/n nods, "please don't cry, i'm not dead yet." she jokes, blinking slowly. Her body is giving up.

"Y/n! stop joking like that!" Tara said, wiping some tears streaming down her face.

"okay, i'm sorry." Y/n smiled; she tried to get up a little, her arms supporting her body, reaching for the girl's face, and wiping the tears.

"you really know how to annoy me even in these kinds of moments." Tara smiled and held Y/n's hands on her face and caressed it.

"annoyed? then why are you smiling?" Y/n joked again but hissed when she felt the pain in her back.

"shit! you should lay back down again." Tara panics, then checks Y/n.

"wait, let me do this." Y/n put her hand back on Tara's face and slowly grabbed it. Y/n felt like this is the right time she's been waiting for, because she doesn't know if she'll survive today or what's going to happen to her. why not make it to the fullest?

she gathers all her strength in her other arm to push herself, and their lips meet. Tara is not shocked, so she kisses back, and there are butterflies all over them. Y/n felt all the genuine emotion and affection that she has for the girl, as well as Tara. they did not mind whatever was going on around them; it was slow, and every hidden and interrupted feeling that they had was poured out. they savor and live in the moment before they slowly separate from the kiss that they've been wanting to do. their eyes met, and you could see the happiness in both of them.

"i am so in love with you, Tara Carpenter." Y/n slowly goes down, smiling and just looking at the other girl.

"why did it take you so long to say that?" Tara joked, "i'm in love with you, Y/n., just like you are." she smiled, blushing but still looking at the girl and holding her hands.

it was just a minute when Y/n felt the huge weakness in her body. she wanted to sleep but was scared that she might not wake up from her state. she knows half of her blood was lost, and she needs help right now. 

"hey, why are you so quiet?" Tara looks at the girl worriedly.

"everything just hurts, and I don't think help is coming that soon." Tara cut Y/n off; she knows what the latter was trying to say. "don't you dare say any words; just rest, okay?" Tara assured.

"yeah, okay, i'll rest." Y/n coughs between words.

Tara moves near Y/n's head and leans it near her; she caresses the side of Y/n's face to give comfort to the girl. she can now hear siren from afar, feeling a huge relief in her heart.

"Y/n, hey, help's here." Tara slightly taps Y/n's face, but she gets no response. "Y/n! Y/n! wake up! come quick here!" Tara shouts, panicking a little bit; she can see how pale Y/n is. she looks around, crying for help, even though she's in pain herself.

then a group of EMT's enters the house with stretchers; some of them go to their other friend and then to both of them. Sam is helping Tara get up.

"weak pulse! put pressure on the wounds!" the medical officers kneeled down to her.

Tara stands up and is guided by Sam. "she's going to be okay. let them do their work." Sam said, hugging the girl and assuring her, that Tara can't do anything but cry because she's worried about what might happen to Y/N.

the sisters were also approached by some EMT's, to fix their wounds and guide them outside.

Tara refused to be put on a stretcher. she walks outside with Sam, and there she sees her other friends, the twins. She feels a big relief in her heart that the two survived.

The two were guided to come with the ambulance, but Tara saw Y/n on a stretcher, still unconscious, and oxygen was connected to her. She quickly approached the girl.

"is she going to be okay?" Tara asked the EMT.

"she has lost a lot of blood and really needed immediate care, so if you excuse us." they pushed Y/n's stretchers to the ambulance.

"can we come?" Tara asked, and she looked at Sam on the other ambulance. she received a nod from the man, "and, can you take us to a different hospital this time?"

"sure, ma'am, get in," the EMT said. guiding her and helping her get inside the vehicle.

"wait! Sam!" she shouts before the EMT closes the ambulance.

Sam runs to her and assures her that she's not going anywhere. the ambulance started, and they could hear its siren.

the EMTs continued to put pressure on Y/n's wound and checked her vitals and everything. Tara, on the other hand, still has so much worry in her, so she held Y/n's hand to feel okay and make the other feel okay too. when she felt a grip, she immediately looked at Y/n, smiling weakly at her. she smiled at her too and continued to caress her hand.

"we're going to be okay; it's all done now." Tara assured her.

is it all really done now? are they sure that they're going to be okay?

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