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only with Tara in her mind does Y/n run faster. she can't let her die, she needs to save her this time and figure out whatever feeling she's having.

Y/n arrived at the floor; in her sight, she can see ghostface on the phone, talking to someone, 'it's Sam' she thinks. she doesn't have any plan for what she's going to do, but she sneakily walks, hiding from the counter, and readies herself to attack.

"all you have to do is say "Kill Richie"." she heard Tara cry more, and that gave her the motivation to run and grab Ghostface. 'not her, it can be everyone but her.' her inner thoughts says.

"you fucker!"

the masked killer was shocked when someone attacked; they both fell, and Ghostface lost his knife. the masked killer looks like it was distracted when it saw who attacked her. Y/n grabbed the killer to try to get the knife near; she crawled toward it but was unable to do so when a hand sneaked up in her neck and suffocated her.

"Y/n! fuck!" Tara cries, not doing anything because of her own situation.

the girl struggled her vision getting blurry but was still reaching her hands towards the knife near her.

"i gotcha!" y/n said before striking the knife into the leg of the killer. it loosens the hands in her neck, and she kicks Ghostface, who stumbles and cries in pain.

y/n immediately run into Tara, cup her face, and tucking the hair that's getting in her face, "hey, hey, i'm here, i'm sorry, let's get out of her--." Y/N didn't finish her words before she was knocked by the head and fell unconscious.

"no!" Tara cried when she saw what happened. she crawled back, crying, not knowing what to do anymore, and the killer kneeled down near her, raising the knife to Y/n.

"i don't want to do this, but it seems like your little girlfriend is going to die tonight," the killer said, while playing the knife around Y/n's neck.

"please, no, don't do this; I'm begging you, not her." Tara pleaded, looking at y/n.

"oh, not her, so who do you want? you?!" Ghostface scared her and focused the knife on her. Tara cried and shut her eyes in fear. "no, no, no. don't close your eyes; look at your little girlfriend in here because I'm going to kill her first!" Ghostface aimed its knife at her, raising it to be ready to kill her in front of the other girl.

but then, the elevator opened and revealed Sam and Dewey. Ghostface's plan was to stop and dive their way into the corner to hide from Dewey's gunshot.

"i'm going to get Richie first," the older man says, not letting his gun down. Y/N is now gaining consciousness from the gunshots.

"Tara!" Sam ran into her sister. Tara just cried in pain and fear while Sam was trying to get her up.

"wait y/n." Tara said to her sister, whose worry was evident in her face, "i'm going to help her; let's get you to the elevator first." She said while helping the younger.

before they could even walk, shattering glasses were heard, and Dewey was now being attacked by Ghostface. A gunshot was heard, and Dewey was struggling.

Y/n was now trying to stand up; she felt a ringing pain in her head and had blurry vision, but still managed to support herself and stand up. she can barely hear whatever is going on.

"Hey, come on." Richie helped her; she just accepted the help, still recovering from what happened. she saw on her side that Ghostface was fighting a man, whom she thinks is Dewey. "You should help him." she said it was almost like whispering. but the man just continued to drag her. she let go of the man's hand and ran to Ghostface, who was pinning the older man down.

"Y/n, no!" you can hear Tara in the background screaming from the sudden action of the girl.

she grunted and winced in pain; she felt some glass in her body. Ghostface stands up and tries to get back to the man, but it already has his gun in, which you had helped him with. gunshots were heard again, along with another shattering glass. Y/n covers her ears and shuts her eyes, she feels the shattering glass in her skin again.

"Y/n, let's get out of here." she heard and was guided by Dewey, while she just looked at the masked killer who's probably dead. he puts Y/n in the elevator, then Y/n's attention goes to Tara, who's crying and looking at her. she wants to hug her and comfort her, but she's also tired, and pain is overcoming her body.

"you have to shoot them in the head, or they always come back." Dewey says, looking at everyone in the elevator.

Sam argues, and Y/N hears it and stands up, saying, "i'm going to come, i want to know who did this." she felt a firm hand holding her arms.

"No!" everyone in the room said, even Tara, who was in pain and holding her. Dewey releases the elevator door, and it closes.

"No! Dewey!" Sam said, and the door completely closed. Y/n just give up; she wanted to help and find out who it was. but her body is failing her to do so.

her head started to spin, her ears ringing again; then, she slumped her back to sit down and closed her eyes. the adrenaline she had, was now calming down, so she can now feel every pain in her body. a pair of eyes saw what's going on; a big worry is on that person's face. "Y/n," she heard someone, and she felt a caress her face; it must be Tara. she doesn't have the strength to open her eyes, so she just lets herself fall into sleep.


omg 1k reads!!! thank you to whoever is reading this! i will try my best to make it better. and im gonna say this now but this is gonna be a slow burn.

anw thank you again!!!!

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