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               Amber fired, but luckily Tara grabbed the girl's hand to block the shot.

"run!" Richie shouts, grabbing Sam and Y/n, and running to the basement.

"run! go, go, go!" Richie guided her first in the basement.

Y/n was shocked, so when Richie grabbed her, she just let him. she goes straight to the basement, while the adults are just getting down. she wandered her eyes, not closing them. her mind is full of questions. 'what the fuck just happened? how can Amber be the killer? will she be the next one to die because she doesn't like her back? and Tara?'

"fuck! Tara! we need to go back to her!" Y/n said panickily, worried about the girl being with Amber right now.

"oh my god! Tara!" Sam also said this, realizing Tara's situation.

"no--wait, Sam, she has a gun." Richie said he was stopping the both of them, telling them what kind of situation they were in.

"i don't care! Tara is not safe!" Y/n said, releasing herself from the man's grip.

"there are always two killers." the man said, looking at Y/n and then holding Sam.

Sam steps back, realizing what her boyfriend is trying to tell her, and then reveals the knife and raised it to him. Y/n also realizes what Richie was trying to say.

"that's fuckin' absurd, man. did you even see Tara?" Y/n said in frustration, getting stressed over what's happening. she doesn't even know who to trust now, but she trusts Sam more than Richie right now, so she gets behind the older girl.

"look, i think—the other killer might be Tara." Richie said, raising his hands and looking at the knife in front of him.

"what?" both girls said in unison. they are more annoyed now.

"you've been estranged for years. how well do you really know her?" Richie said he was trying to convince Sam.

"really, dude? in that case, then i can be the killer too, because how long have you known me?" Y/n just walk up and look up at him blankly. she's not a killer, of course; she just said that out of annoyance.

Sam pulls her back and says, "i know her, Richie. better than i know you." Sam said plainly, putting her knife down and turning around to Y/N.

"she can't be, right Sam?" Y/n asked the older girl.

she shakes her head and says, "no, don't believe anything for now." she assures and warns the younger teen. Y/n just looks at her and nods.

Y/n not knowing what to do, Tara wouldn't do it, but Amber did. she can't think of any of that; Tara wouldn't do such a thing.

"you'll stay here with Richie; hold on to this. call the police if you can, i'll get Tara." Sam says, giving the knife to Y/n and holding it firmly in her hands.

"i'm gonna com--" Y/n tries to pursue Sam, but she is cut off.

"no, stay here and be safe." Sam turns around and leaves. Richie tried to stop her, but nothing could stop the older girl.

Y/n sat in the corner, holding the knife like her life depended on it. Richie was just pacing back and forth, not knowing what to do. Y/n can hear him cursing, but her thoughts are much louder; she's contemplating whether to follow Sam or just stay here and wait for the killer to show up.

Y/n stands up, knowing what she'll do. "fuck it, i'm going to call the police and follow Sam." She said she found her phone in her pocket.

"yeah right, we should follow her. give me the knife, i'll look upstairs first." Richie said, looking at her and extending his arm. "you're not the killer, right?" he checked.

"i don't know. maybe i am." Y/n said she was playing with the knife. Richie just looked at her, being a little scared, and put down his arm.

"jeez man! i'm kidding, here you go." slowly handing him the knife before he could even get it, she quickly pulled her hands away. "you're not the killer, right?" Y/n questioned him jokingly one last time.

"i promise you, i'm not." he said, shaking his head.

"i'll check upstairs first." Richie said, extending his hand to Y/n, who's dialing into her phone. she gave it without asking any more questions. 'what could go wrong with this man who seems like a softball wanting to save his girlfriend?'

however, before Y/n could even press the call button, the phone fell because she felt an arm on her shoulder, and just after that, a stabbing pain in her right stomach. it was Richie smiling at her like a maniac. she held on to the boy's shoulder, not knowing what to say.

"i'm sorry, Y/n, but i can't let you ruin the perfect plan." Richie said, smiling, "you're really just like anyone; you trust easily." he added, then took the knife out of Y/n.

she screams in pain; she holds onto the part where she was stabbed. "fuck you!" she said, feeling the pain.

"Amber said not to hurt you, so you're lucky, i can't kill you right now." he said, stabbing Y/n's left thigh.

"i can't let you run either." Richie's still smiling like a maniac before taking out the knife. He stomped to the phone to make sure Y/n couldn't make any phone calls.

"fuck!" Y/n screams in pain, which causes her to kneel down on her right knee and just continue to cry in pain.

"as much as I want to see you suffer here, Amber will surely kick the shit out of me, and i have more things left to do tonight, so bye-bye." Richie said, walking up to her.

Y/n received a kick in her side that made her lie on the floor, grunting and feeling every pain. She rolled to her side, trying to crawl away from Richie, but before she could even get away, she felt another kick in her head that caused everything to black out.

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