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They found Tara sitting in one of the seats and just looking blank. Y/N approached her first and sat beside her. She gave her a smile as she saw the girl look at her.

"May I?" Kirby asked.

A couple of seconds passed when Tara asked, "How did you get past what happened to you?"

Y/N looked at her girlfriend, trying to understand what's in the girl's mind, but one thing she knows for sure is that she's scared.

Kirby looked at her, thinking of the right words to say. She understood what Tara was feeling right now, so she looked away before saying anything. "I almost died after I was stabbed--" she started,

"Technically, I did die for four minutes. When I recovered, I got mad."

Then she looked at Tara and Y/N eye to eye and said, "I didn't want to spend my life being afraid of monsters. I wanted the monsters to be afraid of me."

"Nice, I love that!" Y/N said, agreeing with Kirby and wanting to light up the atmosphere.

Tara agreed with her too and nodded, "I like that."

Seconds after Bailey, Gale, and Sam appeared, Y/N intertwined her hand with Tara's and caressed it. Worried what the three was going to say.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I think I might have an idea about how to turn the tables on this creep."

"I don't like this one." Y/N whispers, and Tara looks at her in worry.

The plan of the detective is to move; they are all near the campus, and Tara and Sam are going to wander around and wait for the killer to call, and if they are lucky enough, Kirby will trace it and know where the killer is.

"Are you sure you don't need me to come?" Y/N asked, worried.

Tara holds her hands and says, "I'll be alright, don't worry, I'm with Sam."

Y/N gave her a hug, and they jumped in the van. They drove off a little, so they won't be too obvious. When they all settled in, Kirby started to operate her computer while the three of them were sitting there. Chad's phone rang, it was Mindy. She cannot miss this kind of opportunity, so even in a phone call she needs to be updated. When she heard about the plan, she started giving her points with their plans, which makes Y/N more worried about Sam and Tara.

"This is exactly how our Uncle Randy died. College campus. Broad daylight. Yanked into a van. Stab-stab-stab. No more Randy!" Mindy exclaimed on the line.

Kirby doesn't say anything more to argue, realizing what Mindy has said. She just warned Sam and continued to look at her computer. Mindy ends the call cause of frustration.

Ethan offers Y/n some chis and says, "Thanks man." Y/n just eats her worries away.

Just a couple minutes in, Kirby suddenly has all her attention on her computer; it looks like

something's going on. She's talking about finding the location already.

"Everything okay?" Y/N asked; she received no reply.

"He's on the Upper West Side. He's not even outside, he's in an apartment." Kirby says, confused.

"Shit! shit! shit!" Y/N whispers, and realizes, "It's Gale!"

She immediately gets out of the van, knowing that Tara and Sam had realized it and knowing they were going to get their way to go there. She runs, but all she hears is a police siren, and

Bailey is there shouting something.

"Fuck!" Y/n says in annoyance.

They heard what happened, and now they have just arrived at the building where Tara and Sam are. Y/N immediately saw Tara in the lobby, and she ran for her and gave her a tight hug.

"Please don't do that again." she said full of worry, "run where Ghostface is," she added, hugging the girl really tight like her life depended on it.

"Hey, I'm okay, and I'm sorry, I just really want to know who this asshole is." Tara said, cupping Y/N's face and giving her a peck.

They all sat down, with Y/N and Tara sitting down next to each other, clinging and resting their heads on each other. Danny suddenly arrived. Tara suspiciously asked him.

"I'm scared," Y/N started, "I don't want to get hurt again, and you guys." Tara holds her tightly.

"Neither do I." Chad answers and asks, looking at Sam, "What do we do?"

Sam knows that these kids are getting scared. They all came here to forget about the past, but it seems like the past is following them. Sam started talking, but it seems like what she's saying is giving up.

"You said it. It's not like I have a plan for my life anyway. If this is what I need to do to keep you all safe-- then it's worth it."

Tara stood up, not tolerating what her sister was saying. Tara started stating words that could help Sam, they all stood in front of her, trying to cheer her up. Sam has been the one protecting them, and they can't be thankful enough.

"So maybe it's time you let us protect you. We're a team, remember?" Tara says sincerely, looking at Y/N and Chad.

"More like a family." Y/N firmly adds.

"Hell yeah. Core four for now." Chad says, clearing the atmosphere.

Y/N just smiled when Danny tried to include himself. Ethan suggests just staying together in one place. But then again, they know this killer will not stop even if they keep running. So Tara came up with a plan, and they are now calling the detective, asking for his help.

"Trap him. We need to lure him into a secure location and trap him inside like a killbox." They all listen to Tara talk with the detective.

When Y/n felt her phone vibrate, her eyes widen when she sees the name of the person who sent the text, 'Amber'. She walks away a little bit from the group, looking nervously at her phone.


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hehehehehehhehehehe, anw when i finished this i'll have another fic for, Emma and Jenna's fan out there, hope you support it!!!

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