1. Same opposite

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10% increase in the country's birth rate.

Submission of signatures demanding to keep children born and able to reproduce.

Increased requirements on the acquisition of Omegas.

Army General and politician Kim Nam-Joon determines that Omegas care policies will be strengthened.

30% decrease in the birth of Omegas.

How close are we to extinction as a species?

Possible reasons for decline in Omegas rate.

Politician Kim Nam-Joon exposes and imprisons illegal gene manipulation lab.

His eyelids droop, he finds it so annoying that his name is all over the news having to do with this issue Is no one else doing anything about it? "How sleepy I am." He complains under his breath, turning off the holo screen and leaning back in his seat. He massages his right shoulder and looks out the window.

The city in darkness, with huge billboards and luminescent holograms trying to bring the peculiar space to life. Namjoon doesn't know if he is grateful to be born in an age where food is not an issue, but he is grateful that the population is down ninety-five percent from what it was a century ago.

It is possible to say that there are barely a hundred million people living on the planet, that's an exaggeration.

He gets up from his seat and walks to the window, looking down at the people walking down the street. Existing in their lives simpler and more banal than his. Namjoon grumbles inwardly. He is envious of them. He doesn't know why he got into so much trouble to begin with.

"Because you're a control freak and stress yourself out over even a stain in a public area, that's why." He criticizes himself out loud. He half turns, back straight, chin up and black hair combed back. His neat military uniform with the same sobriety as his gigantic office.

Brown wooden furniture just like a small table; wooden ornaments, several bonsai on different shelves on the wall; a wind chime that does nothing, as there is never anything to move it in this space. Much can be told not only by his appearance, but by his surroundings.

Namjoon is someone very, very quiet and also very serious. Both in the military and in the political environment, people are afraid of him. They consider him to be threatening. His large stature and muscular body give him bulk, an unusual one in people.

The vast majority are thin and short. Blame it on poor genetic inheritance that is passed down through the generations. Namjoon is a case apart, he came from a strong and well preserved Omega; he came from a woman capable of giving birth and that helped give him physical attributes that others do not have.

Not everyone can have an Omega like his father did.

Not everyone can even have an Omega.

Namjoon leaves his office, turning off the lights and taking the briefcase with his personal belongings, pondering the same thing he does almost every time he sees news on the internet. As a couple of centuries ago women could no longer give birth and suddenly no more of them were born; most of the male population became infertile; the urgency of having to continue the species and the population declining at that abysmal rate.

The solution came from a jar, figuratively speaking: it was possible to save female genetic material and recreate them in a laboratory, to make human beings en masse that would make repopulation possible. Not all of them survived and in the process, they were given a name: Omega.

Why this name? Just as in the Greek alphabet, they are the last thing there is, the last hope of not disappearing. Yes, there is no longer a problem of hunger, food is no longer a problem, but what good is so much food if there is no one to eat it? There is no one to support livestock, farms, businesses. Everything was falling apart.

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