CH 4 ~ Blue Flame

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   Each seat was extra wide and had the capability to lean back into a bed. There was a place for computers, books, and belongings. Free Wifi, movies, catered meals, and drinks. The cabin had a calming ambiance that silenced the roar of the engines.

   Sirena wheeled her luggage to where the attendant was waiting for them. She looked at three seats: one row had two chairs and one row had just one chair. The attendant offered them the seats, saying to the American's.

   "I hope this be to yer liking."

   "This is brilliant!" John celebrates, looking at his beloved family. "You want to stay with Sirena?" he asks, noticing that someone will have to sit alone up front. Aine nodded, cuddling with her daughter.

   Sirena was offered the seat next to the window, protected by her loving mother. The attendant that advised.

   "Captain will want to take off soon, so let me help ye with yer luggage." as she reaches for John's bag.

   "It is a bit heavy!" John warns, but watched as the attendant lifted his suitcase over her head, as if it weighed just a feather. She placed it in the overhead bin, smiling. John did not argue any further, he was quite impressed to say the least.

   With everyone sitting in their assigned seats, she then added to their amazement.

   "I will bring dinner menu's; und inside of yer welcoming packets be the code fer the 5-G Wi-Fi." she explains, using John's packet as an example "Now, please secure yer seatbelts for takeoff."

   The word 'takeoff' washed all joy completely out of Sirena's face. She looked at her mother, terrified. Aine offered her hand to her frightened daughter.

   "Just breathe...sweetie. Ye did well on yer first flight. This one will be much easier now that ye know what to expect." Aine's words did not bring much comfort for her daughter though. She was still shaking, scared out of her wits.

   The engines fired up; but the once deafening roar was dampened by the fact that they were nowhere near the engines which were stationed on wings in economy class, just behind them.

   The cabin shook as the plane energized its engines, and with the brakes disengaged, the aircraft began its run down the runway. The craft then began to tilt backwards, lifting off of the American soil and placing everything that Sirena knew, all behind her.

   'I am going home.' she pondered, holding her mother's hand.

   Climbing higher and higher into the sky, the jet leveled off around thirty thousand feet at cruising altitude. The belt-sign went off, allowing Aine and John to unlock their safety-belts; yet, Sirena was still clinging onto her mother's hand, terrified of flying.

   The flight attendant was running her rounds, stopping by the Conner's to see if there was anything that they needed. When she saw Sirena cowering so terribly, she had to immediately see what was wrong.

   "Is everything okay?" she asked the Conner family, especially Sirena.

   "She is uneasy fer the moment." Aine replied, holding her daughter's hand gently. "She had an unpleasant first experience on the last flight into Chicago."

   "Is there anything that I can do to help?" she asked, noticing that Sirena was trapped between terrified and embarrassed.

   "Nothing much, really." Aine kindly says "I will keep her calm."

   "Well, if ye need anything, just press yer call light." the attendant then looked at Sirena, catching her gaze "Do not be afraid little one. Ye are in capable hands; our crew are experienced pilots. Would ye like to visit the flight deck? Meet the captain, und see that everything is going to be alright?" Sirena did not even know that was possible. She just nodded, intrigued.

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