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Nawwarah's pov

Today's finally the day we would be leaving for Germany. Me and mama would be traveling while paa and Aysha would be here to take care of the business and stuffs in Nigeria.
As promised, we met Indo, and hafsyyyyy at the airport and had our emotional goodbyes. O Allah thinking about it, it might actually be the last time I see all of them and it's scaring me so much but knowing Allah is with me in every step, I made peace with everything.
I hugged them one last time and waved them goodbye as I didn't want to break down in front of them.
As planned, the other patients were in the airport already and so, we wasted no time in boarding the plane.
Our plane took off after we all settled down and the air hostesses made sure everyone was comfortable and what we would all like to have. I was sitted by the window side as I love watching the sky from the plane, God, Allah is so great because the sky is so beautiful.
I decided to have a nap and I played the Mahmoud Husary recitation and I slept without even realizing it as listening to the qur'an gives me an unexplainable peace of mind.
I woke up almost two hours later and we still have fifteen hours more before we land in Germany as we wouldn't have transit in any country, our plane is direct to Germany.
I signalled the air hostess and I requested for food by food I mean oat and some small chops as I'm not a fan of "abincin jirgi". I ate to my fill and prayed dhuhr after checking the time in my phone. I went to where mama was sitting and we chatted for a while and I left her to sleep while I went to check on the other patients to make sure they were comfortable and alhamdulillah they're.
I went back to my seat and decided to reply some emails as I didn't have the time to do that in a while. It took me almost two hours before I finished replying all the emails and after I was done, it was time for asr and I performed ablution and prayed.

Being in the plane for almost 10 hours, I was literally tired of everything, by everything I mean watching YouTube and Netflix, reading novels, literally everything. I was feeling a little bit down and emotionally not alright so I decided to talk to my therapist through zoom.
I forgot to mention I had a therapist since I was 15, she helps me with my psychological , emotional and mental well being. We had our therapy session and I felt good and refreshed after talking to her.

5 hours later,
Alhamdulillah after a 15 hours flight, we finally landed in Germany. It was midnight already and we came out and met the drivers assigned to drive us to our hotel. We hopped into the cars and drove to the hotel, even though it was midnight, I loved the view I was seeing so,I wined the glass down to percieve natural air and just enjoy the moment. I made up my mind to explore the city for two days before my treatment starts in sha Allah.
It was a thirty minutes drive to the hotel and we arrived in no time. I gave out my name in the reception and got our keys. Every one has a room to himself so we can all be comfortable. I handed the keys to them and I dragged mine and mama's trolley to our suite.
We entered our rooms and guyyyy I was sooo tired because omooo 15 hours flight no be child's play. I took a long needed hot shower and wore my comfy night wear and jumped on my bed and I slept without realizing it.
I woke up still feeling jet lagged but alhamdulillah "an rage gajiya". I took a hot shower again and I wore my long hijab and prayed then went to check up on mama and the other patients and they were still sleeping.
Instead of going back to my room, I proceeded and went out of the hotel to sightsee and stroll. I saw a restaurant on my way and I stopped by and had food and ice cream then got some for mams and headed back to the hotel.
      We checked into the hospital the next day and did all the necessary preparations and my final chemotherapy would take place the next day in sha Allah.


CANCER SURVIVOR .Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ