Huge decision

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Nawwarah's pov

        I woke up around 11:00am in the morning with a determined mindset for my little children but I would have to talk to mama first as I know papa wouldn't have a problem with what I was going to do.
       I took my bath and then headed to mama's room where I met her seated on her bed and pressing her phone and I sat next to her and held her hands and smiled at her.

Mama: baby what do you want???

Nawwarah: mamatah, kinsan dae in a world where we don't know who leaves next, sincerity, good deeds and forgiveness should be a daily thing we do ko???

Mama: yes baby girl but why are you talking in riddles tell me what you want mana

Nawwarah: since I would be traveling to Germany for my treatment and I don't know whether I would be coming back or not, I would like to do something for the children in my orphanage.
      I don't know what the future holds for me and I would like to do something for them so even if I'm not here anymore, they won't be left with nothing.
      I know you would take care of them for me but I still want to do it for them.
     I would like to give them life insurance for their future. Since they're 50 children in the orphanage, I would like to give each of them an insurance of 15 million making it 750 million all in all.

Mama: toh baby Allah yasa albarka but I don't like the fact that you're talking about not coming back because in sha Allah we go together and come back together bi iznillah. May Allah bless your life baby am.

Nawwarah: ameen mama am thank you so much.

     With that, I got ready and headed to my lawyer's office to discuss my plans with him and  finalize everything.
      I went to the law firm and went directly to Barr. Hafsa's office as I already have an appointment with her.
I said my taslim and sat on the waiting chairs waiting for her to be done with another client.
      After she was done, we exchanged pleasantries and then I told her my plans and asked her to get the documents ready today if possible because  I would like to do it before I leave.
      I went to dominos and got pizza then got 3 scoops of ice cream and sat down in my car and just enjoying the moment, God! I love enjoying myself.
      After I was done, I chatted a bit and scrolled through Instagram, watched some vlogs on YouTube then headed back to the law firm to get the documents.
       I met her waiting for me and I collected the documents, went through them and signed where I was supposed to sign as I already have the children's signature. I thanked her and headed back home to finish some unfinished stuffs .
   Immediately I was home, went to the kitchen and made tuwo for myself cos it's been so longggggg and I have been craving it for like forever and so, i ate like my life depended on it and then went back to my room.
      I went into the lavatory and took a long needed shower then performed ablution.
I prayed asr and laid down in bed just thinking about life and other things.  I know alot of people wish they were me because they feel like I have a perfect life and everything while I wish I was like them with nothing to worry about but Allah knows best.
      With nothing else to do, I logged into my social media accounts and made a post with the caption:
     Assalamualaikum my social media family, I would in sha Allah be traveling to Germany for my final chemotherapy in sha Allah. I hope it works as you all know I'm  in my last stage and this is my last chance and if it doesn't, may Allah forgive all our shortcomings and grant the entire deceased ummah jannatul firdaus. If I have ever offended any of you, I hope you find it in your heart to forgive me.
        Thank you so much to each and every one of you for all your love and support. I consider you guys my second family.
      My orphanage and the organization would continue to run for as long as my family members are alive in sha Allah .
Allah ya sada mu da alkhairin sa.

        After I made the post, I got thousands of messages all over my social media account which I assigned my social media manager to  reply to cosss omooo I cannot can.
       I facetimed Aysha and we talked about literally everything and nothing and I slept off while talking to her.

Hey guys,
I know it's been so longgg since I last updated and I'm so sorry about that.
In sha Allah I'm back and better
Manage this chapter as it has been in my draft for months and we would in sha Allah meet in the next chapter.

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