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     Two weeks later, Nawwarah is still unconscious and her family are dead worried about her. The doctor advised that she should be taken abroad for her treatment as her body keeps rejecting treatment and her condition is also deteriorating.
    Abhi made the necessary preparations for her stay in abroad and  they would be leaving in the next 4 days. Mama went home and got everything ready for them then went back to the hospital.

   Nawwarah's pov
         I tried opening my eyes but they felt too heavy for me so but I struggled to open them and I did after a while. Mama, mama ruwa but it seems like there was no one in the room except for me. I managed to get up even though my head was so heavy it felt like  exploding but I tried to be strong for myself.
      I drank the water and layed back down then it clicked to me that I was not at home, I was in a hospital room and that a cannula was attached to my hand. What happened to me because the only thing I remembered was me having breakfast then I started coughing and then suddenly, I lost consciousness.
   After 2 minutes of me laying down, mama came into the room and when she saw me awake, her eyes shone with so much happiness and astonishment. She rushed and hugged the life out of me. O Allah give my mother all the happiness in this dunya wal akhira.
        My baby, I am so glad you're awake, I was so worried about you baby girl as you have been unconscious for 2 good weeks. Those 2 weeks felt like 2 decades baby.
     Innalillahi, mama you mean I have been unconscious for 2 weeks, subhanallah mama, please take me to the lavatory right now because I need to pray .
     And with that, mama helped me to the lavatory and I took my bath, brushed my teeth and performed ablution. I wore my clothes and faced the qiblah then payed back all my lost prayers and thanked Allah for  giving me the chance to see the light of yet another day after 2 weeks, alhamdulillah ya rabb I would forever be grateful to Allah.
       After I was done, I ate the food my mama made specially for me and went back to sleep.  I woke up 2 hours later and prayed asr after which  I remembered my babies and it clicked to me that I haven't seen them for two weeks. I missed them so much and I know they missed me too.
     I need to get discharged immediately as I am feeling very alright and I really miss home and I can't wait to go back there. When the doctor came to check up on me, i requested a discharge and after a lot of persuasion and assuring her that i was okay, she discharged me.
     We waited for Abhi to come pick us and when he arrived, he was also so glad I woke up. We branched at madallah and I got shawarma for us and we left for home.
     At home, I met Aisha at the door waiting for my arrival and she hugged me so tight immediately she saw me and was like I missed you so much baby girl and I was like I missed you too baby boy. She decorated the living room with so many balloons with welcome back written on them and also,a big cake was on the center table just for me. Alhamdulillah for my family.
     So I cut the cake and burst some of the balloons after which I had the shawarma we got on our way then headed for my room as I have so many things I need to sought out before leaving for my treatment abroad which is in 4 days time if Allah  wills.

This chapter is dedicated to _Aysha_b
Thank you Indo, this book wouldn't be here without you.

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