1. A Real Thorn In My Side

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Okay, before I get into the action, I'll give you a bit of a recap on what's been happening recently.

Last thing you probably remember would be Thalia Grace, daughter of Zeus coming back to life, so let's start there.

After that, I stayed with Percy and his mom for year to give school a chance. Surprisingly, it wasn't so bad other than the extra classes that I took to make sure I was at the same level as my peers. Well, that and the Demigod Disabilities Starter Pack™(being the dyslexia and killer ADHD) that I had.

Living with Percy and Sally had to be the most fun I'd had in a while. For starters, I had an actual bed instead of a worn sleeping back on a wooden floor.

School was pretty fun when I wasn't stressing about tests and stuff like that. I made a few friends who I hung out with sometimes, making sure to drag Percy along each time. I understood his antisocial tendencies may have stemmed from him being cautious of new people because of past experiences with bullies, but there would be no such thing while I was around.

Oh, I'd also made good on my promise to Annabeth and visited her a few times. I'd done things like pull her away from pushy guys(it was to save them, not her), get her out of middle school girl activities, and more.

You may have wondered how I managed that, but to that I say 'shhh.'

When one can both fly and manipulate the Mist, crossing state lines becomes child play. Other than the occasional possibly clear-sighted child thinking I was Superman, I remained unseen.

Lastly, I got to know Thalia a bit better.

Okay, look, I didn't hate her, she just wasn't my favorite person.

Her temper and pride annoyed me heavily at times, but she was also insanely cool so it balanced out a bit. I was able to crack a few jokes with her, but if I said one wrong thing, she'd give me this glare that I'm pretty sure was an attempt to intimidate me.

I'm also pretty sure that her and Percy were threatened by one another because of their roles in the world. It was none of my drama, so I elected to stay out of it lest something physical break out.

Anyway; that brings us to now.

The Friday before winter break, Percy and I packed overnight bags and our weapons and were taken to a new boarding school by Sally. We picked up Thalia and Annabeth from camp along the way.

It was an eight-hour drive from Manhattan to Bar Harbor, Maine, so I decided to provide us some entertainment.

"I spy with my little eye..." I started with a thoughtful hum. "Something...white."

Annabeth just let out a low sigh. "Is it snow?"

"It's snow!" I nodded and clapped for her. "How's you know?"

"Maybe because it's the only thing we can see from inside the car," Thalia lightly snapped.

I think they appreciated my gesture.

Sleet and snow pounded against both the highway and the car. There was a nervous air inside of the car. Thalia, Annabeth, and Percy were all silent, while Sally was nervously talking. By the time we got to Westover Hall, it was dark out, and she had told us several of Percy's embarrassing baby stories in great detail. I really felt like I was there with him when he was three and told this old guy that he was probably going to die soon.

Thalia wiped the fog from the car window and looked outside. "Oh yeah, this'll be fun."

Westover Hall honestly looked kinda cool. It resembled an evil knight's castle. Constructed from all black stone, it had dark towers and slit windows with an obnoxiously large pair of wooden double doors. It was built on a snowy cliff overlooking a large frosty forest on one side and a churning grey ocean on the other. It was totally creepy and awesome.

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