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The place was dark, everyone was fast asleep. This was a perfect moment to just, maybe find something or someone.

I put on a black hoodie and some black cargo pants, along with having my pistol tucked in my waistband and my hair let loose.

I crept from out of my room and tip toed to the back door, gripping the door handle and pushing the door open.

Someone cleared their throat behind me.

I turned slowly for it just to be Ghost.

"Uh.. hey Ghost.."

"What are you doing." His arms crossed over his chest.

"Just getting some surf it's stuffy in this building." I held my hands behind my back, trying to appear as innocent as possible.

He let out a grunt and turned away to go back to where ever he came from.

I turned back to the door. Smirking to myself, It's so easy to fool people.

I walked outside into the cold breezy air. The wind brushing my hand across my face and make my skin full with goosebumps.

For some reason, I felt like Ghost was watching me, I rarely ignore my gut feeling but to be honest, I didn't care right now, those kids needed to be saved. I don't even care about risking my job right now.

I hurried over to the gate and opened it slowly to prevent creaks or any other noises.

I put on my hoodie over my head and then started to make my way to the street to find any car that was open.

I found a grey, small, car sitting in front of a house and checked the handle, bingo!

The car was opened without any struggle. I hopped into the grey car and started to play with some of the wires. The engine sounded and I was off.


I jumped at my name being called and slammed the break.

I turned around in the car and took my pistol out aimed it behind me.

"Ghost..? How the fuck did you get in the car..?"

He grabbed my pistol and put it in his own waistband.

"Where are you running off to"

"I just wanted to clear my mind, away from base."

My body was shaking and I felt a put in my stomach.

"Do that requires you hot wiring a car?"


He opened the door to get out of the back and then opened the driver seat door, gripping my from my arm pits then putting me in the passenger seat.

Passenger princess 🤩.

He then sat himself in the driver seat.

"That can't be comfortable." I giggled

His head was grazing the roof of the car.

He didn't say anything and just started to drive.

"Where are you driving to..?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Tough crowd."

A few minutes passed by and then an hour but then we finally stopped.

It was a hill, nothing special.

"Why did we drive an hour to be at a... hill...?"

He opened the car door and stepped out, then closing it and walking to my side.

He opened my door and grabbed my hand leading me to follow him.

We walked up the small hill and then stood atop of it.

"So..." I looked up at him. "The point..?"

"You said you wanted to clear your mind. I come here a lot during the night."

I looked up to the sky and the stars looked as bright as ever.

"This is really pretty, I didn't take you as a nature dude."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me solider."

I took a seat on the ground and then laid down, looking up at the stars.

I patted the ground next to em, signaling from Ghost to sit down with me. Surprisingly, he did.

He laid down next to me, about a forearms length away from me.

It was quiet, it was peaceful. It almost made me forget about what I was originally out for.

He reached his hand over my shoulder, bring me close to his body. My head was near his chest and his arm was around my back.

"Why were you awake Ghost?"

"A lot on my mind."

"I know that feeling."

I sunk into his touch and rested my head in his chest, feeling his heart pound against my ear.

The cold breeze grazed over our bodies, leaving more goosebumps.

I got closer to his body to try to get warmth.

"You're really warm." I sunk into his warmth, feeling my body suddenly melt with his body.

He didn't say anything again.

I guess he was enjoying the silence. It was comforting thought.

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