chapter twenty seven

Start from the beginning


Yoongi lets out before he rolls his eyes at the boy, who clearly did not give a fuck and continues with his playing..

"And I thought older you is worse, but younger you is just, hell no.." he says glacing at Hoseok time to time..

Namjoon's room

Ji Hong slowly opens the door to Namjoon's room making sure that he doesn't wake up from his sleep, but he wants to talk to him and apologize..

Walking up to his bedside Ji Hong takes a sit beside him as he looks at his son sleeping..

Walking up to his bedside Ji Hong takes a sit beside him as he looks at his son sleeping

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"Why does he always sleep on his stomach.." Ji Hong complains.. "does he know it's not good for him.."

Ji Hong puts his arm on Namjoon's shoulder and starts pushing him into his back, but the moment he starts pulling his other arm Namjoon lets out a hiss, and Ji Hong instantly lets go, but soon notices the bruises on his arm and he is taking back to last night..

He held him so hard that he left marks on his arm and Namjoon didn't even make a sound, making him all guilty, why did he have to get so angry..

Ji Hong lets out a sigh and quickly gets a first aid box and starts applying ointment to the wound as gently as possible, with a smile on his face..

"Do you like getting punished or something?" He asks.. "why do you always end up in trouble even though you are the smartest of all your siblings?"

Ji Hong continues to put a bandage the wound.. "just know I love you.."

Ji Hong puts the box on the table and tries to stand, but feels his body getting pulled down and soon arms wrap around his into a huge..

"I love dad" Namjoon says and Ji Hong smiles listening to the words.. "I did not mean to do anything bad I swear, I did not mean to hurt Ji-hun, I promise.." Namjoon sobs..

"You don't have to promise anything Namjoon.." rubbing circles on Namjoon's back for comfort.. "I know you did not mean to do anything like that, you will never hurt anyone on purpose.."

Namjoon continue to sob in his father's arms.. "what if he dies because of me, what if something bad happens to Ji-hun?"

"Nothing will happen.."

"How do you know?" Breaking the huge.. "your heard Dr Park, Ji-hun can actually have a heart infection because of what I did.."

"And you can also have a heart infection if you continue with this.." Ji Hong cuts him off.. "Ji-hun will survive, he is strong and he will wake up.."

"You still know that your heart is still weak right?" He asks.. "and getting yourself worked out like this will make it worse and I don't want that okay.."

"Okay.." Namjoon says out..

"So please stop stressing yourself.." rubbing the top of his hand.. "now go back to sleep, because you have a fever.."

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