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Ty for reading guys

This is my stress reliever lmao

Anyways someone interesting visits Hinata and he gets an invitation

After getting hit with a ball Hinata decided he would visit Tendou. He hasn't seen Tendou and he really missed the red head and maybe he could prank him with his newly formed bruise.

That girl.....reminded him of the first time Tetsuya hit his face with a ball. There was so much apologies and so much words.


Oh for fuck sake.

"Ryouta" What horrible timing... although.....

"It is yo-What happened to your face?...." Kise touched his face with the newly formed bruise. There are two ways he can respond either telling the truth OR make up a story.

He is very tempted to do the latter but right now he wants to be with Tendou. "A ball hit my face" Kise looked a bit....happy?

"Your playing basketball?!"

Basketball?.....Hell no but that was a quick assumption. "No it happened when I was passing by the volleyball court" More like watching, but Kise doesn't need to know.

"Oh so your not playing?...." Hinata shaked his head. Basketball was never his passion...It was Akashi who was pasionate about it and he just went along with it.

The volleyball club denied him for his height and during class he would be told a big no.


"It's a no Hinata"

The coach wouldn't hear him out! His height was the only they see. This is so unfair! Hinata wanted to spike the ball in the coach's face and maybe he would actually listen to him.

Maybe in another world his height wont be the deciding factor on whether he could play volleyball or not.

"Shoyo?" Akashi startled him, but atleast someone who wont shame him for his height.

"Did you-"

"NO! T-They wouldn't even let me try out! They are so-so Shortphobic! That stupid coach and his short people wont make it which is so fucking stupid....My height is something I cant control....and-" before could continue to ramble Hinata was wrapped in a warm embrace.

Akashi's hugs were always the best, in Hinata's opinion. It was always rare for Akashi to hug a person but for Shoyo...he just had to ask him nicely.

"If the coach can not see your talent or potential then that is  a horrible coach" Akashi kissed the top of his head. Hinata agreed but it still stings. "What am I suppose to do now?"

Hinata really wanted to play volleyball but that was out of the question now. "Join the basketball club" Akashi immediately answered.

The Basketball club huh.....



Kise did not leave him alone. He was so tempted to smack the model but if he did they would have matching bruises and Hinata does not want to match anything with Kise.

"You should play Basketball or atleast be a basketball manager again Hinatachi" Kise's words were blunt and it was obvious he wanted it very much but Hinata doesn't.

"Yeah no...I'd rather die" Hinata is not joking. He really really doesn't want to be associated with that sport again. "You were the best of us, you know?" Hinata knows... he's been praised for his achievements before.

"You would accomplish great things if you came back....."

No doubt....but the real question is would he be happy?....Was he really happy with what he had accomplish?

"Passion and being good at something are two different things Ryouta" Hinata should know.... That's basically him and basketball.

No matter what achievement he never really got passionate about the sport. Akashi told him he was a good player and even tried to pursuade him to join the starting line up before.

That was a whole conversation that he isn't ready to even think about again.

"What's the point of being passion if you would never excel in it?" Hinata squeezed his bike handle, Kise wasn't wrong but he prefers to live in denial.

"I have a game with Kurokochi"



Kuroko continued playing basketball? Does this mean that he was right about the phantom..... "You are going to lose" Hinata wanted a reaction of some sort and the blonde never fails him as always.

"N-No! We are going to win and Kurokochi will see that he is wrong" Kise seems hesitant though, Is he doubting himself? Hinata wanted to see him cry when Kise feels defeat but....

"You should come watch to see you were wrong!"

Well that was easy, He didn't even have to ask. Pride is such a fragile thing, so easy to shatter.

"Sure" Hinata cannot wait for that game. Maybe he could get Kuroko to talk to him about why he was very.....Different during the graduation.

"I'm leaving now, Ryouta.....Good luck~" Hinata mounted his bike and left.

It's time to see Tendou~


Hoorah quick update! <3

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