A bruise

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Hinata will be very much join the team in different circumstances


Hinata was bored.

He already knew what his teacher was discussing....Hell he can probably answer a quiz right now and get a perfect score. "Okay class that's all for today" As the lunch bell finally rung and the teacher leaves....Hinata still felt bored.

It was a little weird in his new school.

So new and just very out of this world for him, but he did vow to never judge things very quickly. He made sure his class wouldn't be the gifted one. Attention was the last thing he wanted and plus it was nice not to maintain such high grades.

"Soo Hinata you plan to join a club?"

He was but when he was in front the volleyball club he saw HIM. The same genius who defeated him so long ago....It's not that he was still angry about it. It was because he learned that the person was a genius....a prodigy. Hinata doesn't want to be near ANY prodigy.

Not anymore......

"Dont know to be honest" his classmate kept bugging him to join a club. It was really weird for someone he wasn't close to bug him with something like that. He hasn't made any friends in Karasuno...well not yet? He wasn't sure if he wanted any friends.

Kageyama is not used to this.

To ANY of this.

"Oi King focus already" Tsukishima was irritated with Kageyama's behavior. No matter what he had a habit of getting lost in his head. Tsukishima will never understand him, well that's what he thinks anyways. "I am" Kageyama says but never looking back at the blonde. "Obviously your thinking about something...I can practically hear the cogs in your head moving" This conversation won't end in a good way, Tsukishima can tell with how Kageyama's face looking like that.

But he just can't help it.

"You fuck-"

"Okay that's enough for today!" Yamaguchi intervines before another fight breaks out and he really doesn't want to stop another one. It was only Tuesday and he's had to stop about seven! Why can't they get along already!

Maybe this will be their interactions until their 3rd year. Yamaguchi really hopes it's not because he might actually die and things won't stay verbal forever. "We are here to recruit new 1st year members....Not to fight!".

They have been trying but it's either they were ignored or told "I already have a club". Yamaguchi cannot handle another hour of rejection from his fellow 1st years and fighting from his teammates.

"Hi! Are you interested in joining the volleyball club?"


Hinata was admiring the volleyball club poster when he was interrupted "Hi! Are you interested in joining the volleyball club?" . That voice was way too happy for his mood at the moment "Uhm" Hinata saw HIM and he really wants to run right now.

"It's you!"

What? The dude remembers him?- Should he be insulted or flattered? Hinata's ego can't have that. "Do I know you'' Hinata hopes it pisses him off. "Wh-You-HUH?!" Kageyama's face looks so red either from embarasment or anger, it doesn't matter though. Hinata wants to know what will happens next.

"Hm? Can you not speak or is that how you normally communicate?". Tsukishima couldn't help it but laugh this kid has some balls to talk like that. "I will Have you-" Yamaguchi immediately covered Kageyama's mouth before he could finish that sentence "You don't have to insult someone like that..." Yamaguchi was a little surprised with him but at the same not really.

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