A King

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Bit of time skip!

Kageyama is now introduced✨️


He couldn't believe that he agreed to this crazy idea.

Does he hate it? Not really

This would be his first volleyball tournament. He can't believe Izumi and Koji agreed to be on his team!

He didnt have HIGH hopes for the team though. That would be stupid....and kind of exciting?

Yeah, no.

Such expectations would hurt...he doesnt want that anymore. Hinata is not a masochist, after all.....


"The match would be over quickly"

"They dont even look that strong"

"Have you seen the captain?"

Hinata heard EVERYTHING from the other group.  He didnt expect these kinds of things to still exsist after all. "Yeah what about their captain?" Hinata couldn't help himself, after all he didnt say he wasnt a sadist.

The juniors seem startled, who wouldnt be?


"What are you doing?!" The voice seems angry. "K-Kagey-" Hinata didnt know if he feels bad or should he laugh"They have been waiting for you! And your hear talking to our opponent?" This person must be a third year.

He's probably a regular but the question is....What's his position?


Kageyam is NOT impressed not at all.

Watching the opponents do their warm ups he could already tell. They were amateurs.

Maybe the freshmen were right?

Kind of shit of them to tell that right in the opponents face though. It was better and ethical to just show them.


What the hell?


"Shou" Izumi ran to Hinata with a concerned look in his face. "Number 2 has been staring at you ever since warm ups ended!"



Should that bother him?


"Cool" That seemed like the wrong response. "EH??? Thats so creepy!" Izumi looked and then the blue haired person. Hinata just shrugged it couldnt be helped if he was being stared at.

More like being studied.


As the match continued Hinata was feeling more and more happiness. Yes they were losing but he was having fun!
His teammates are another story though.

"Senpai why are we you even trying so hard....we're gonna lose anyways!" The first year seemed pissed or does he pity him? It doesnt really matter.

"And?....Im having fun so it doesnt really matter If we win or lose to me" should he have phrased that better? The first year seemed stunned, didnt he tell them?


They lost.

Hinata really didnt expect to win but it did hurt his pride. He isnt used to losing after all.


"Shoyo whats so funny?-" Koji seemed scared? Hinata understands why... People who lost doesnt really laugh this way.  The 1st years were crying though, how sad.

He shrugged, Hinata couldn't say why it was funny.

"Hoi! What have you been doing these years?..."

Hinata froze a bit with the king's question.  What has he been doing? He was serving as basketball manager, a good student, a good son, a good friend.....boyfriend?

He remembered all the things he had accomplished in the past..... They were all so impressive and yet.....

He isnt proud of them?


"Theres always highschool Shochan!"

Tendou couldnt watch his game since he had his own. Hinata didnt care about it though. It was such a sad loss but it was so eye opening.

"Im not sure about playing in high school" Hinata did think about it though.

Tendou went quiet he cant believe what Hinata is saying! This person can evolve into something great.....but he really cant force it though.

" You should....I want to play volleyball with you" Hinata wanted it to..... he just doesnt know if he wants to though. "I'll think about it" and he isnt lying....


Hoorah uwu

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