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Spelling and grammar errors!

This chapter contains what he did after Being a manager at teiko. He isnt part of karasuno yet.

Hinata transfered in the middle of his third year in middle school. He went back to his mother, he missed her and his little sister. Although his father was a little angry with him but he didnt care.

He hasnt been doing well after moving in with his mother. The mental toll of losing Akashi has finally caught up to him. Hinata knew he hadnt lost him but it felt like he did.

Eating with his mother and sister was difficult for him. Sometimes he wouldn't eat and just drink water to satisfy his humger. Hinata could hear his little sister's talks with their mother and she was always advised to not mind it.

No matter what he did he felt stuck. Whenever he talked to his mother he ended up sleeping beside her with tear tracks on his face. She advised Hinata to never rush himself or the results will end badly.


"Its not safe here for a child" A voice spoke behind him. Hinata rolled his eyes at that statement. Of course it isnt safe he was near the cliff.

That person sat beside him though, even if they told Hinata it wasnt safe he still sat beside him? How interesting...

"Thought it wasnt safe?" Hinata didnt look at the person when he said it. The person didnt say anything back to him though. Must of enjoyed the pretty view he was admiring. "Were you thinking of jumping?"

"What?" Hinata was surprised to this stranger's question. Who asks a person if they were going to jump? Well he doesnt blame the person though. "Ive seen you a few times...You look like you want to jump.....Im sorry I dont mean to like offend you" This stranger was concerned?




"Why?" Ah he said it. "You just seem so young and have so much to live for" that response does not sit well with hinata. "Im stuck" Hinata wants to admit everything to this concerned stranger. Maybe someone he doesnt know can help him?

"Ah shit- well I could help you get-"

"I didnt mean physically. So calm down" He felt bad for making a stranger worry. " Ah, you mean like with your life?" The person sounds understanding.

Hinata wanted to cry....

" Well whenever I feel stuck I play volleyball!" The person said it like it was something obvious. Hinata always wanted to play volleyball but He wasnt given a chance to play at Teiko.

Volleyball was one of the things he genuinly enjoyed. Hinata didnt focus on the sport since he was one of the Teiko Basketball club's manager. "Ive always wanted to play that..." Hinata finally looked at the stranger.

A High school student?

"Ah youve finally looked at me!" This person's smile is quite blinding. "Yeah....and-uhm your name is?" Hinata felt akward asking this person's name now.

"Tendou Satori, at your service!"

"Its nice to meet you Satori" Hinata smiled a little but the stranger seemed startled. "Hinata Shoyo, you can call me Shoyo!" he feels a bit happier.


Tendou was a very chill person, Hinata liked that about him. He felt better with him.

He TRUSTS him....Something he hasn't done in a REALLY long time. Hinata trusts him enough to tell him why he was near the cliff.

He was hugged and cling to for a while...he doesn't mind it.


Hinata liked Tendou's visits whenever he would pick him up. "Do you want to play volleyball with me?" That question made Hinata stop walking.

No one has ever asked him to play before.....

"Im not good" Hinata didnt want to lie to Tendou. "So?" He seems to forget that people dont like it when they play with people who suck!

"I wanted to play with my friend! You know have some fun with you?"

Have....fun....with him?.....


Hinata felt so happy!

Was this what they felt when they played basketball? He now understood why they used to spend alot of the time in practice.

"You have so much stamina for middle schooler" Tendou huffed, the red head has never met such a tiny moster. Sure hinata sucked but playing with him made him happy.

Hinata smiled, he felt so different lately! He has Tendou to thank for that, he's greatful for the red head.

Red head, huh?

Akashi's face popped upnin his mind, he  missed the emperor. He missed the whole team...Hinata wonders how they are now. He left them when they were at a terrible point.

"Something wrong, shorty?" Tendou boinked his head with water. "Just thinking" he was given a look.

Hinata knew that look

"Its not that bad" He whispered it but Hinata knew Tendou could hear him. He wasn't met with a response though....


Word count: 820 words

The Orange Empress [HAIKYUU/KNB]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें