We climb in and I observe how Serena tries to stifle a yawn as she buckles her seatbelt.

She hasn't been getting much sleep lately because of the pain she's been experiencing. I've hired a specialist doctor who makes home visits every two days but nothing seems to be helping.

"Take a nap it's a long drive," I tell her as I pull out onto the street.

She doesn't argue, curling up in the passengers seat.

I take multiple detours, avoiding roads I know have multiple potholes incase they happen to stir her from her sleep.

The drive is long and relaxing, the warm wind blowing through my hair as the sun beams down on me.

It takes two hours to get to my surprise location.

"Serena," I call out, trying to get her to wake. I repeat it a few times until she eventually starts to toss and turn.

"Wake up love we're here," I shake her gently. "Hm?" She mumbles sleepily, her eyelashes batting open.

I chuckle at her cuteness, unbuckling her seatbelt.

"We're here," I repeat. She straightens out, stretching her legs.  "How long have I been out?" She yawns, opening her door.

"Not long," I reply, climbing out of my side.

I watch her sleepy state disappear, her eyes widening as she curiously looks around. "Woah," She mumbles, looking out at the marina filled with gigantic yachts.

"I hope you're not afraid of the sea," I laugh, walking in the direction of the multi million dollar yacht my mum gifted me for my eighteenth birthday.

"This is yours?" She questions, completely baffled as she stares up at the boat towering over us.

I hum in agreement, opening the gate that leads to the walkway. "How much did it cost?" She asks, gripping my arm as she tries not to fall getting on.

"You don't want to know," I shake my head, chuckling at how ridiculous the amount is.

"Rich people," She mumbles under her breath, making me laugh.

"Hey you're with me now so you're rich by association," I snort, taking her hand and helping her over the last step off the walkway and onto the boat.

"Mr Cruz," The captain greets, taking off his cap and bowing his head. I greet him, quietly reminding him of the specific course I need him to take before pushing past and leading Serena to the deck.

"Oh. My. God." She gapes, looking at what I've set up.

I've had around six tables covered head to toe in piles and piles of food. There's sea food, chicken wings, every type of pizza you can think of, rows of burgers, every fruit on the planet and a chocolate fountain surrounded by different sweets.

"This is all for us?" She asks in disbelief, tilting her head towards me.

"Of course," I tell her. "We can eat until we're in a coma then crash on these," I plan, pointing towards the two sun chairs at the very front of the deck, looking out at the sea.

"I don't think I could even make a dent in this, I'm not that hungry," She frowns. I think for a moment, the sound of the boat pulling away from the dock being the only thing cutting through the silent air.

"Well.. I know one way we can build up an appetite," I smirk, my hands clutching her waist as I pull her closer.

"Oh really?" She teases, raising an eyebrow at me. "Here?" She laughs.

"There's a bedroom," I whisper in her ear before trailing kisses along the side of her neck. "Lead the way," She pants.

I don't have to be asked twice, leading her quickly through the boat before we both come crashing into the room.

We collapse onto the bed, our kisses sloppy and urgent as we peal off each other's clothes.

We collapse onto the bed, our kisses sloppy and urgent as we peal off each other's clothes

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