"Release Kuvira, or we will attack!" The mecha suit captain threatens.

"I'd like to see you try," I threaten as I take my stance.

"Stand down," Kuvira commands surprisingly. "This battle is over. I owe the Avatar and her sister my life. Her power is beyond anything I could ever hope to achieve."

Everyone is shocked by Kuvira's statement. Bolin and I look at each other, this is just unbelievable. I know everyone is wondering what happened in there for her to stand down now, but no one dares say a word.  

"I'll accept whatever punishment the world sees fit," Kuvira tells Suyin.

I don't care. Just like Baatar Jr, I don't care that she's "turned over a new leaf." Both her and Baatar Jr. need to be locked up forever. They need to pay for their sins against the world. We may have gotten a new spirit portal, but look at all of the trouble they've caused. They captured people who weren't of Earth Kingdom origin, they've lied and killed people, they were going to kill me, Kitty, Bolin, Zhu Li, and Varrick! And look at all of the destruction they've caused. I will never forgive them. I hope they rot.

I look at Bolin and he looks at me. Kuvira is captured, finally, but where is Kitty? We push our way to the front, looking around. I furrow my eyebrows. What in the world is going on? Is everyone blind, or just too stupid to notice? There's Korra, there's Kuvira, but no Kitty... I gulp, and a sweat starts to build on my forehead.

"Korra," I call as Kuvira is being taken into custody. "Where is Kitty?"

Everyone stops to look at Korra. Mako and Wing look at each other worryingly, and Tenzin takes a weary step forward. It's silent now. They wait for Korra to say something, but she only let's out a shaky breath. She shakes her head.

"I- I don't know."

No one says a word. I don't think they even take a breath. The silence between everybody is so loud. I look around at everyone like they're crazy. Say something! Kitty is missing and we have no idea where she is- we should be moving, we should be making plans to fimd her!

"What do you mean you don't know?!" I exclaim, finally breaking the silence.

My head is spinning. This cannot be happening.

"She was suppose to be with you," Mako says not believing it. "She said she was going to look for you, we saw her leave!"

"Yes," Korra says trying to think. "We found Kuvira together. The spirit canon went off, and next thing I know, Kuvira and I are walking out of the portal together. I tried to find my sister, but it was like she disappeared."

"So my best friend is missing?" Bolin asks tearfully.

Korra is speechless, and it only makes me angrier. Kitty is her sister, how many times can you f*ck up?! How many times does Kitty have to get hurt? You're her older sister! She's protected you for so long, and the one time you're suppose to protect her, you screw it up?!

"I can't believe this!" I yell, not being able to hold it in anymore.

"Jade-" Korra starts.

Without thinking, I lunge for her. Bolin quickly grabs me as Korra takes a step back. Just one, I want to punch her in the face one good time! Everyone begins to speak all at once, it's so loud. From trying to protect Korra, to trying to calm the situation. So now they want to act? Where was this energy when Korra came out of the portal without her sister? I try to fight Bolin's grip, but I can't, he keeps me restrained.

"Everyone!" Tenzin calls our attention. "I know we're all worried about Kitty, but we must remain focused if we're going to find her."

He looks at me genuinely. I let my guard down. As much as I want to drag Korra, that's not going to fix this. And besides, Kitty loves her, and she wouldn't appreciate me fighting her sister.

"You're right," I say to him quietly. "I'm sorry, Master."

I bow to him respectfully, and he nods back to me genuinely.

"We need to find her," Mako says.

"Yes," Tenzin agrees. "Lin, can we use your forces to help with the search?"

"Of course you can. The blast could've sent her into the spirit world or maybe in another direction and she landed somewhere near. Or...."

Kitty can't be dead. Kitty got her bending taken, she watched the Earth Queen die, she was poisoned, and she jumped off a mountain. My point is, Kitty has been threw a lot, and this cannot be how she goes out.

"No," Korra interrupts. "My sister is not gone. I need everyone to check everywhere possible! No one sleeps until my sister is found."


Jade (LOK) (Book 2 of My Sister's Keeper)Where stories live. Discover now