(Bunny) New Kid 💜

417 5 22

Kenny: 17
Butters: 16

"Good luck, sweetie! Bye"

"Bye mom"

I get out of the car, closing the door softly, since I didn't wanna get grounded. I take a deep breath before entering the school, looking at my schedule to find my locker.


Quietly whispering the number to myself, I push past the crowds of people and eventually find the locker. Next to mine, there's a group of 4 guys.

I don't pay much attention since I don't wanna get caught staring. I try my code, only for it to not work.


I try again and again before one of the guys in an orange parka and black jeans turns to me

"Need help?"

I look at his face. He has pretty blue eyes and messy blonde hair, topped off with a soft smile.

"Uh y-yeah."

"Can I see your schedule so I know your code?"

I hesitate, just kinda looking at him

"You can trust me. I'm a nice guy"

"Okay then.."

I hand him my schedule. He looks at it for a minute

"Hm. We have all our classes together! I can take you around if you want"

He begins putting the code into my locker

"Yeah, sure"


He opens my locker first try, and moves out of the way to let me put my stuff in.

"So what's your name?"



A very evident blush spreads across my face and my eyes widen.


"That's cute"


"Your face is red"

"Uh.. It's um hot in here"

"Is it because of me?"



I close my locker, turning to... Wait. What's his name?

"Hold on, I told you my name. What's yours? "

"Oh I'm sorry. My names Kenny McCormick! "

He holds his hand out and I slowly take it, he pulls me away towards what I assume is our class

"Wooah! "

"Sorry Buttercup"

"Who? "

"You. Buttercup! "

"I-It's Butters.. "


"Okay then"

We get to our class and he drags me to the very back, and we sit next to each other.

Then three guys walk in and two sit on the other side of Kenny, another sits next to me, he has a red jacket and light blue hat. One of the others has an orange shirt and Green hat, the one next to him has a dark blue hat and brown jacket.

Kenny nods at the two boys next to him

"Hey guys"

The one in brown sits next to Kenny, and looks at me, then back at Kenny

"Sorry we left you but you seemed busy with something"

Then one next to me laughs

"Yeh. Kinny is gay so he was making out with his boyfriend"

Kenny looks over at him with anger in his face

"Cartman shut the fuck up! He's new"


"So I'll beat your ass if you mess with him"

"Oh Jesus. I'll stop"

Kenny nudges me

"That is Eric Cartman. The one next to me is Stan, and next to him is Kyle. Their easy to get along with, but try to avoid Cartman"

"Why? "

"He's an asshole"



Kenny and I sit next to each other and the three other boys sit across from us.

"Hey Buttercup"

"Awwww! Kinny has a nickname for his boyfriend!! "

(They learned Butters' name in class)

"Shut up fatass. Anyway, can I ask you something"


"Do you mind if I come over to your house. Get to know you more? "

"Well.. My parents are going out so sure you can"


Butters' house
(I'm rushing it cuz my phone gonna die)

Kenny and I sit on my bed, watching TV and talking about things.

"Buttercup, can I ask you something personal?"

"Uh... Yes?"

"What's your sexuality?"

"Oh... I'm gay"

"Me too"

"Eric told me you have girls all over you all the time"

"Well. I do, but I don't like them"


We sit in silence for a minute before Kenny sighs

"Fuck it"

He turns his body to face me and he grabs my hands

"Buttercup, can I try something?"

"Go ahead"

He smiles, and leans closer. He stops inches away from my face.

Is he gonna...?

Not being able to wait, I close the gap between us. Feeling his lips against mine sends a shock through my body. It was a new feeling.

We pull away and he chuckles

"Your cute"

"Um. Thanks?"

"Hm. I know we just met today but can we.. "

"Date? "

"Yeah. That's it"

I smile

"We can"

"Yes!! Oh shit. Sorry. "

"It's okay"

I lean in again, placing my lips against his once more. We spend a while talking and just hanging out before he has to leave.

Outside of the door, he puts his hands on my waist and kisses me for longer this time. When we break the kiss, his hand goes to cup my face

"I love you. "

My heart beats faster, but I eventually speak out

"I love you too"

He kisses me again then we say goodbye and he walks home.

Tomorrow is gonna be fun
                           Word count: 850

South Park OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora