(𝙱𝚞𝚗𝚗𝚢) Protecting you 💜

746 9 19

Yayy another Bunny cuz I love it
Dirty talk at the end
Butters: 16
Kenny: 17
Kenny POV:
"I'll cya later, Buttercup"
I kiss him before I head over to my next class which is sadly without Butters

"Bye Ken! I'll see you after class."

He pecks my cheek before running off to catch up with Tweek and Craig

I'm so in love with this boy

I walk into class and take my seat next to Stan, who has Kyle on his other side.

"Hey Kenny"


"Dude. Kyle won't talk to me"


"I don't know, he just doesn't like me anymore"

He crosses his arms on the table and hides his face in them

Kyle rolls his eyes

"Stan it's not a big deal."

"Yeah it is Kyle! You don't get it.."

"Dude what the fuck happened!?"
I seriously thought something might've happened between them

"Kyle won't sit on my lap"

My face stays in a state of shock

"THAT is what your pouting about?"

"God don't yell at me Kenny!"

Kyle who has now moved his desk closer to Stan, brings him into a hug and plays along

"Aww Stan, I'm sorry Kenny is being so mean!"

"He's such a jackass"

"You guys are so weird"

Just then, the teacher walks in, making Kyle let go of Stan who I saw get visibly upset with the loss of contact

Here's about an hour of a boring ass lecture

Butters jumps into my arms

"I've missed you so much Buttercup!"

"I missed you too Ken!"

Craig who is standing near us, rolls his eyes and shouts

"Gaaaay! "

Tweek lightly nudges him telling him to cut it out

"Okay but like you guys have been away from each other for one class period. "

"Craig may I remind you of when you snuck out of detention, climbed up the tree next to my window and begged me to let you in because you couldn't go another second without me"

I set Butters down and see the hard blush now spread across Craig's face

"Who's gay now?"

Tweek shakes his head, sighs and drags Craig away with him

"Kenny, can you come to my house. My parents are gone and last time I was alone, I swear someone was trying to break in. But my parents came home and the weird things stopped"

"Oh baby, of course I'll protect you"

He smiled and kisses me
I grab his hand gently and we start walking towards his house

When we were almost there, I felt Butters slip out of my grasp and heard

I quickly turn around and catch him, making him fall into me

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