"Out with everything, Blake," I tapped my foot, and he blinked at me, confused.

"I don't understand."

"Tell me what your eyes are trying to speak but you're not," I raised my eyebrows at him, and he shook his head, struggling to find the words.

"It's nothing; I'll let you make the call you wanted to make," he turned around to leave, but I stopped him by holding onto his hand.

"Blake, don't you trust me?" I used a playful pout, hoping to elicit his trust.

"Don't do that," he groaned, his resolve weakening as he looked into my pleading eyes.

"Fine, just stop making that face," he shook his head as I grinned, grateful for his understanding. The tense atmosphere had dissipated, but it soon returned.

"I don't know how and why, but a few weeks ago, I remembered everything. I remembered her," Blake's face was shadowed with a heavy melancholy, his gaze distant as if he was navigating a labyrinth of painful memories.

"Who?" I questioned, curiosity mingled with a growing unease.

"Emily," he uttered her name with a mix of sadness and uncertainty. The name hung in the air as if testing the waters of reality. He paused, a battle raging within him, a battle fought with his inner demons.

I had seen these same expressions on Cedric's face that day when he mentioned this name.

"I don't know how we forgot about her. It was our first year of college..." Then he started talking, and everything became a complex tapestry of disjointed memories and untold secrets.

Some pieces didn't fit the puzzle properly, but as he continued, I finally understood the change in Cedric's behavior before I was abducted by the rogue. It was his guilt; he wanted to make things right, not because he loved me, but because he was burdened by the guilt of treating me as if I were the villain of his story when I was, in fact, the victim.

"I doubt Amanda had something to do with this. I tried looking for Emily but found no trace of her other than in our memories, which is still foggy, and I'm sure I still have some missing memory," Blake's restlessness was palpable, his desire to uncover the truth burning like a smoldering ember.

"That bitch has spoiled many lives and has the audacity to look innocent," I clenched my fist, harboring a visceral anger towards Amanda.

"Enough about her," Blake sighed, urging me to redirect my focus towards the burner phone.

"Yeah, I'll have to leave for now. And before you say anything, I need to do this alone, please," I pleaded, recognizing that he would object if I asked him to accompany me.

"Okay, call me if you're in danger. And please keep your tracker on."

"Thank you, and I'll keep it on," I squeaked and hugged him tightly as he chuckled.

"Go on, butterfly," he ruffled my hair.

"Butterfly?" I was flustered but managed to muster a playful expression.

"I just felt like calling you that," he laughed and waved his hand, breaking the lingering tension.

He left, and I found myself standing there in the midst of it all, gazing at his retreating figure. A heavy sigh escaped my lips, as I slowly dialed the number.

"What now?" I heard a deep, almost growling voice on the other end, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

"No 'hi'? How are you? Where are your manners?" I retorted, a mischievous smile dancing on my lips as I spoke.

Beta's Unwanted Wife And The CurseWhere stories live. Discover now