"A broken boy."

Comincia dall'inizio

"What is it?"

Y/N slowly rose. He was shirtless drenched in sweat, his figure more ripped with a little more muscle mass on his body. His chest was full, his six-pack easily visible because of his rather low fat percentage, His healed wound inflicted on him by the Hyde was highly visible passing vertically across his abdomen. adding to his already quite an attractive appearance. (Glazing is strong in this chapter, but I like it.), and veins swirled around his arms like a snake only confirming how hard he had been working all this time. Y/N liked the way he looked, The girls at Nevermore had been paying attention to him before, so what would they do now? Before he didn't pay much attention to them, but now as Wednesday and he were...

It still hurt a little bit to think about it, but they were over, he didn't have to limit himself anymore. He could go all out. "I should probably cut my hair, their getting really long, to an uncomfortable degree." Y/N grinned, looking at Vlad. "You didn't even try at first, and now you're all drenched in sweat... I've become stronger, haven't I?"

Vlad nodded his head. "Yes, you have become strong." With a proud smile on his face, he felt a bit like a teacher, it was quite a pleasant feeling. "You've definitely grown stronger in three weeks, are you sure you're a normie?"

"I am, It's just that it's in my blood to fight and that's it." Y/N's thoughts returned to the book he was reading. "Friedrich L/N, if he was able to compete with vampires and werewolves, then I should be able to reach that pinnacle, too."

"I understand." During those three weeks, something had definitely changed in Y/N he was sharper, more ruthless, and even downright audacious in his attitude. He had noticed this in him before, but now it had reached a level that put him on the verge of self-indulgence as if he felt like a god in a sense. "Don't think to yourself that this will change much. You're a Normie, and I'm a Vampire. Don't aim for my standard because it's too high for you." Vlad wanted to break him in a way, in a way that would get Y/N back down to earth, because, in these last weeks, he was just a completely different person than before, a person he didn't like that much, to be honest, old Y/N for him was better.

Now on his feet. "I've heard it many times before... Don't try, don't dare, there's no point, you're the normie, let yourself be protected, blah blah blah." Each time he heard these kinds of words, anger would begin to pour out of him. "What an annoying talk, When you're highborn it's easy to say something like that isn't it?"

Vlad raised his eyebrow, he didn't like how he was talking to him. "What do you mean." In a grave tone, he asked. "That I'm some kind of snob from an elevated vampire family?"

Y/N waved his hand in an attempt to defuse the situation. "Relax." Y/N leaned against the ropes. "Even if you were, I'd still like you, You're a good guy."

Vlad rolled his eyes. "I'm a good guest precisely because I'm not high-born. Those there see only the tip of their own nose."

Y/N knew two who were not like that, but he wasn't going to reveal it. "Where is Laura? I haven't seen her for a week, How is she?"

"She's just taking a break from some things."

"Oh, I see..." Y/N walked through the ropes. "Then I'll be going now. Vlad thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you did, I'm grateful to you." Smiling sincerely, he said. Vlad noticed for a moment this Y/N, whom he liked so much.

"Keep it up, three fights and you're not going back there anymore, remember? You promised Laura."

Y/N jumped down from the ring. "Of course! I couldn't lie to her, she's too cool." Y/N waved his hand while walking away to the locker room to take a shower.

Human In The Nevermore. (Wednesday x Male reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora