Mission and first...Kill?!

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Once we walked into the Mountain I saw that team Argo was there too, the mission probably involved some weird Greek monster of that sorts.

Batman walked towards the group and started to explain te mission. 'There have been weird sightings around Gotham, Crime Alley, about lady's with claws, wings and a earsplitting screech. Athena informed us that we would be going after a Harpy, I will send the Team with team Argo to observe how they handle these monsters and next time they could assist with these missions. Robin I suggest that you go as Robin this time since you will be going to Gotham and it would be wise to go as a known hero. Good luck.'

- Gotham City, Crime Alley -

" Alright everyone be careful we might be only here for the Harpy but this part of Gotham isn't the best so be careful. Athena do you have an idea where to start.'' I asked. Just when she was about to answer we heard a loud screech and we got in our defence positions. I noticed the Team on a roof watching our every move. Athena took out her dagger, Hephaestus his hammer and lit his hand on fire, Jupiter took his coin and let it transform and it crackled with lightning, Hades took out his black sword and the shadows around him started to shift. I took out my golden dagger and we all looked around as to where the Harpies could be.

Before we knew it Jupiter was thrown against a wall and a Harpy stalked out of an ally with its claws sharp and ready to attack again. Hephaestus gave me a sign and I threw a smoke bomb while he let it explode to increase the impact as it hit the Harpy throwing her back instead. Athena helped Jupiter back up and he pushed her out of the way because of another Harpy trying to attack. As Hades and I got ready to attack another jumped in front of us. 

''Well, it looks likes we will taker this one.'' I said to Hades and he used the shadows to disappear while I distracted it and next thing I know shadows wrapped around the monster and it disappeared into the shadows, seconds later Hades emerged covered in golden dust. We nodded and turned to the others. Jupiter and Hephaestus were taking on a Harpy together while Athena took out another one. Then I noticed a Harpy sneaking up on her, I ran towards her with my dagger ready she turned around wide eyed as she came face to face with the monster just when it was to strike her with it's claws it stabbed it and it exploded into golden dust. 

She looked at me and smiled: 'Thank you Robin that was amazing. I think that were all of them right?' We all became quiet and looked around but there seemed to be no more Harpies. I gave The Team the sign to come out and that it was save. When they came up next to us and they looked shocked to say the least. 

'What just happened, where did they go when you stabbed them, they just...EXPLODED. Did you kill them?! Superboy said angry (or should I say exploded with anger 😝 sorry...) Just as I wanted to explain they weren't dead, not really, we got the sign to return to the Mountain. The Team still not really knowing what just happened got in the Bio-Ship with us following. I just knew that them not knowing exactly what happened was going to come back and bite me in the ass. 

As we got cleaned up (getting the golden dust off) we had already arrived at the Mountain, we went straight to the mission room where Batman was already waiting. 'Robin, Athena how did the mission go did you capture the Harpies.' Athena looked at me and just as I wanted to explain how we took care of the Harpies, Artemis interrupted. 'They didn't capture them, they killed them. Robin stabbed one and it exploded same for the others. That isn't normal we are to capture not kill.' 

Batman looked back at us waiting for an explanation. ''As Robin was about to explain, we didn't kill them, you can't kill these kind of monsters. We send them back to Tartarus where they will stay until they eventually reform and return, stabbing them with imperial gold is the only way to send them back and we did just that. Robin saved my life with sending it back, or how you say 'kill'  it. Don't worry I'm sure we will see them again.' Athena explained while giving Artemis some light glares. 

'Alright thank you Athena and good job Argo I hope The Team will learn from you and will someday be able to help sending them back to Tartarus. Dismissed.' Batman said and then walked into the Zeta-Tubes. 

I discussed some mission details with Argo and after a while they left to go back home since it was a Thursday night and they still had school tomorrow. As I walked to the lounge I saw Artemis looking at me apologetic and I smiled at her. ' I'm sorry Robin I just, I didn't really know what to think when they just exploded and disappeared.' She said looking down. ''That's alright Artemis when Athena first told me that stabbing and 'killing' them was the only way to send them back I had my doubts too but I trust her and I'm glad I did.'' I gave her a hug and went over to the couch to sit with Wally. 

'Dude that was amazing, how you just ran at the monster to protect Athena. You have to learn me how you picked up on those kind of things so fast.' I laughed and gave him a game controller smirking at him, he took it and we started our game, with me totally kicking his but. 

-Slowly coming out behind a wall- 

Euhm hi? I'm so very sorry guys that it took this long I just had a huge writers block, this is more of a filler chapter with the team finally coming along on monster missions. Next episode Dick wil turn 13 and gets some godly surprises new information and memories. 😜 

Thanks for the patience and stay tuned for the next chapter. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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