School trip:

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Dick's POV:

I was in the car on my way to school thinking about how the team met Jason and their shocked faces it was hilarious.


'You have an older brother?!' They all yelled at the same time.

''Well...'' I was going to answer their question when I got interrupted by the Zeta-Tube.

Batman 02

Superman 01

Wonder Woman 03

Flash 04

' We couldn't come into the cave what happened?' Flash said worried while looking around at each one of us. He looked confused at the team excluding me because they were still in a fighting position. He then looked at me and than at Red Hood who was holding me up because I had hurt my leg. Then he looked back at the team with a smirk on his face.'You faces are really funny you know that.'

Then Wally just walked over to us a huge grin on his face. 'Whoa that was indeed funny Rob their faces when they found out that Hood is your brother.' He said smiling while giving Jason a high five. 'Hi Wally long time no seen.' Jason said.

' Wait, Wally how can you be so relaxed he is a criminal and it is very disturbing to know that he is Robins brother, can someone pleas just explain what is going on.' Artemis almost yelled.

' Red Hood is indeed a gang leader but not a murderer, not anymore, when he killed people it was because of the League of Shadows.' I flinched at hearing him say one of my families mistakes, Jason forgave them so it isn't really important anymore they did bring him back to life so.

' And wally how do you know him?' Artemis asked.

'Duh I'm Robins best friend of course I know he has a brother.' Wally said like it was the most obvious thing to say.

' Well, now all of that is cleared up, Red Hood could you please take Robin home so Agent A can look at his injuries.' Batman asked. 'Sure B, come on Baby-Bird let's get you some of Agent A's cookies.' Jason said while leading me to the Zeta-Tubes. ''I told you to not call me that Hood I'm not a little child. Oh and bye guys see you next time.'' The Team just stood there still taking in the information they just got.

~Flashback end~

I'm sure the next time I see them they will have more questions. When I got out of the car I said goodbye to Alfred and walked over to Barbara who was talking to Annabeth.

''Hey guys how are you doing?''

'Hi Dick I'm fine but I need to go I still need to give my math to the teacher or he will be mad again.' Barbara said while leaving.

'' So Annabeth how do you like Gotham so far?''

' It's nice, but a lot more crime than I'm used too. But a part from that I like it.'

''that's good, walk with me to PE.''


Annabeth POV:

Dick and I walked to the gym on the way there we talked a little bit, it was weird seeing Dick talking like he didn't know anything about his past life with us, well that's probably because he doesn't but it's still weird. I really hope some day soon we will be able to get some memories back.

After we went into the changing rooms we walked over to Leo, Nico and Jason we waited for the class to begin.

'Alright class, I'm your new gym teacher. I am Peter Jackson nice to meet you all.'

Different universe, new me  ( Pjo/Hoo and Dc crossover )Where stories live. Discover now