New team:

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Dick's POV:

Batman was losing badly I had to do something to help him, but there were to many people around me to just vanish someone would notice. As I was thinking what to do Lucius took my arm. ''Lucius what are you doing?'' 'I am taking you somewhere safe Richard follow me.' I knew what he was doing so I played along. ''But what about everyone else I can't just leave my friends'' 'No worries Richard the police will take care of them.'

I saw my classmates getting protected by the police, I thanked Lucius and I ran towards a secret entrance towards Bruce his office where we kept our spare uniforms. I quickly changed and jumped out the window onto another rooftop. I saw Batman fighting the Chimera, well he tried but his weapons didn't do any harm. I had to think of something fast. I looked down to where my classmates were, I saw Annabeth and her friends and got an idea.

I shot my grappling hook and landed right beside Annabeth she let out a little scream but quickly recovered when she saw it was just me. ''Hi Annabeth, I need your help. You guys have powers that could help us, our weapons don't do anything against them.'' 'Of course we will help. But we don't need to use our powers, this is a Greek monster from our world I have no idea how it got here, but we have weapons made of special metal. It's called Celestial Bronze.' She explained while they all got out a different weapon. Annabeth had a golden dagger, Jason a long golden sword, Leo a golden hammer but Nico's sword was pitch black. 'Here take this, it my spare knife you can keep it for when we aren't there but there is a monster attack.' Annabeth said while she gave me a golden throwing knife. I know I still had Riptide but then they would know I knew more about Percy than I let know, and first I had to figure all of this out myself.

Annabeth told us her plan on how the kill the monster, at first I said that we don't kill but she said that these monsters never truly die but just get send back to their universe so I just went with it. Leo was the distraction while Jason cut of the snake tail, Nico and Annabeth went for the goat's head while I would face the lion's head and then stab it straight in its head. Leo made a circle of fire to stop the Chimera from coming closer to the hideout were all the students were. Jason used lightning to burn the snake tail to crisps while Nico used skeleton hands coming out from the earth to keep the Chimera in place and Annabeth cut of the goat head. I took this chance to stab the lion in his heart. As the Chimera turned into golden, we high fived celebrating our victory, but then we heard someone clearing his throat. We turned around to see Batman standing with his arms crossed. 'What did you guys do and who are you?' He said in his scary Batman tone while giving us a Batglare.

''We defeated it B, as for who they are I think we should some other time about that and in another place. Thank you for helping guys.'' 'Sure, and Robin keep that knife it may come in handy.' Annabeth told me before they walked back to the group. 'Robin come let's go home you have some explaining to do.'

-At Wayne Manor-

'So let me make this clear, they are from another earth and they are looking for a friend who they think came to this earth and they have powers excluding Annabeth, and that monster is also from their world that somehow came to this one and can only be defeated by the weapons they have.' Bruce said after I explained every shortly, except I didn't tell him about that the friend they are looking for is probably my doppelganger and that I had these dreams and about me getting his powers, yeah so I told him all the boring stuff. ''Yep that's all''

'I think you guys should be a team, a new one. You will go on missions that involve those kind of monsters. Dick I want you to take them to the Mountain tomorrow, I will make suits Inform me when they know how they want them to look and I will make sure that they are ready before tomorrow.' Bruce said and then just walked away. 'Yeah sure I will take them to the Mountain it's not like Sally and Peter have any say in it they are only the kids they are supposed to look after.' I thought signing. How will I do this, I am going to be a part of another team fighting weird monster from another earth. First I should go and ask them if they even want to be on a team with me.

Different universe, new me  ( Pjo/Hoo and Dc crossover )Where stories live. Discover now