Homefront Part 2:

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Robin's POV:

As I yelled for Artemis to get down I jumped backwards and threw some exploding disks.

Artemis began to shoot her arrows at whatever was attacking us. Where was everyone else I thought. ''We're sitting ducks by these tubes. Head for the exit!'' I yelled. We ran away trying to not get shot by one of the flying fire balls. We almost got away when a huge wave of water came at us, I saw Artemis' widening in fear. We were smashed against the wall, we got up as soon as possible and ran away trying to get somewhere safe. We got to the gym when I tried to get in contact with the rest of the team but we got no answer, then another fire wave slammed us to the floor.

I got an idea and used one of the safety codes. ''Robin to Batcave. Override RG4. Cave calling Justice League. H-O-J slash Watchtower. B-0-1. Priority ray.'' I yelled while Artemis and I put on all the showers to put out the tornado of fire. '' The com is down. Locked. At least the water is helping.'' But I spoke to soon, the whole room flooded full with water I blew up the wall and we ran away.

We used the vents to get away. After we got out of the vents they exploded with fire and a woman stood there trying to get us. She was setting the whole room on fire and all the machines got over heated and are about to explode. '' I know that the other tunnel is her somewhere.'' 'You mean this one?' Artemis said while jumping into another vent. I was hacking the system so the enemy couldn't track us. ' Robin who is the enemy?' ''Let's find out shall we.'' We saw the team just talking and trying to fix a motorcycle when an explosion threw them across the room. I tried to use another camera to see what happened but all the cameras broke when the explosion happened. I tried to find a safe route to get out while Artemis said that they will all be fine because they have superpowers.

We got out of the vents and ended up in the library. '' There is a secret passage way behind one of the bookcases.'' 'Seriously. Cliche much.' Artemis said trying to lighten up the mood. ''You should see the Batcave.'' We were looking for the right bookcase when we heard someone come into the library. We ran away to hide somewhere. We heard metal footsteps coming closer and then someone said: 'Artemis, Robin.' 'It's Red Tornado.' Artemis said happily then she ran out of our hiding spot to get to him. But it wasn't Red Tornado I jumped to her to get her out of the way. ''Yes, on the Red, no, on the Tornado.'' I yelled. We ran away and I pushed open the right bookcase when we found it.

'Did you know Tornado had siblings?!' Artemis yelled at me.

''No'' I just said calmly.

We ran trough the tunnels when Artemis took my arm and stopped me. ' So now what? Red Tornado is one of the power houses of the Justice League. How are we supposed to take two of them down?' She yelled was clearly scared and frustrated. ''They do seem pretty user unfriendly.'' I joked. 'Don't joke. They...' but she got interrupted by a robotic voice. ' Attention, Robin and Artemis. You have exactually 10 minutes to surrender. Or the lives of you teammates will be extinguished.' We looked at each other and ran trying to get to our teammates while the Red Robot kept counting down the minutes. A huge wave of water came at us again, Artemis wasn't getting any air so I gave her my device that allowed her to breath under water. i didn't need it because I could already breath under water because of my connection wit Percy Jackson. Artemis looked at me weirdly because I didn't seem to have any trouble with not getting any air but she didn't let it go and we swam away, When we got out of the water she gasped for air. ' How did you.?' But she didn't get to finish when we heard KF yell for us to look out. We swam to KF and Superboy. ''You guy's okay?'' 'Forget us. Help Megan' Superboy yelled. Megan and Aqualad are in a cage of fire, Megan was unconscious and Aqualad was barely keeping his eyes open too.

We got away and again we were in and air vent trying to figure out a plan. 'What do we do now?' ''We save them. That's how it works.'' I say trying to figure out a way to stop the robots and save our friends. 'Maybe that's how it's supposed to work but those robots already took out four of our superpowered friends.' ''You seem distraught.'' I asked her a calm as possible. 'Distraught? Megan is dying. We have no powers and I'm down to my last arrow. Of course I'm distraught.' she yelled angrily at me. ''We'll get trought or get dead. '' I yelled back.

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