It all started with a pen:

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Annabeth's POV:

Wayne Hotel & Casino - Gotham City - 11:00 a.m. - July 4

When we figured out that Poseidon still had their godly powers they summoned a creditcard that holds infinite money so we could stay at a good place and could buy food and clean clothes.

'' Alright guys we are here in this other world but we didn't really make a plan and that maybe wasn't the best thing we ever did so I suggest that we try to figure out what the prophecy means and then go to that so called Hall of Justice where we need to ask Robin for help like the prophecy said.''

We went to the park so we could go figure out the prophecy and a plan to find Percy.

Gotham Central Park - Gotham City - 12:00 p.m. - July 4

' Annabeth the first part of the prophecy we already figured out, I already have an idea what the following lines could mean I just hope I'm wrong. So the prophecy said that Earth and Time are coming so I think that is Kronos and Gaea, and that they will get help I only don't know who that could possibly be it could be anyone. ' Sally explained to us.

'' Well now we know that Percy did not get Sally's brain. '' Leo joked.

'' Yes indeed, that was very good, now that we know what those lines mean we can try to figure out the next ones. So the prophecy says ' When they find the sea, the owl will not be pleased ' so that means we will find Percy we just don't know when, but the part that I will not be pleased I don't understand why wouldn't I be happy to see Percy again.'' I explained further.

' I don't know that ether but what is most important is that we find him first than we can figure out the rest later. The next part says that we will also need the help of that superhero boy Robin to win the war.' Poseidon said.

'' Yes so it is very important that we get his help to win the and to find Percy. So the next line says that the Billionaire-son and the hero are the same, the hero is probably Percy.'' I said.

' So we just need to find the billionaire of this town and his son and say something like 'Hey man sorry to interrupt your fancy diner but your son is the reborn version of our friend from another universe and also these people are his original parents. Oh and don't forget we are Demigods and so is he and he was one of the best and he needs to help us in another war so come give him to us he might come back alive.' Leo said sarcastically.

'' Wel no not like that but we do need to figure out something, maybe go to the same school as him become his friends and then we slowly explain some things. Nico you have been very quiet what do you think?'' I asked him.

He just looked around confused and said: ' Do you guys feel cold to or is it just me.'

We all looked at him confused but when Leo was about to make a sassy comeback something exploded and half the park turned to ice.

Dick's POV:

when I woke up I felt very excited today was the day. When I came downstairs I ate something and rushed to the Batcave where Bruce was already waiting for me.

' Dick before we go to the Hall of Justice we need to get to Gotham Park, Mister Freeze escaped and is attacking civilians.'

'' Fine, fine let's hurry up though I don't want to be late.''

I rushed to put on my Robin suit and jumped into the Batmobile.

When we arrived I say Mister Freeze wel freezing the people in the park, but what got my attention where the people who where helping get some people into safety, they were the same people from my dream last night.

Different universe, new me  ( Pjo/Hoo and Dc crossover )Where stories live. Discover now