The Beginning.

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Zane POV:

I was just talking with Nana on a video call, when I got a text from Lucinda. I told Nana about the text before opening it and Nana said she got the same text as me.

When i opened the text this is what I saw:

                 8:44 pm


Hey Zane, are you free to come over right now? Sorry for such short notice, I'm practicing my magics again and I need some extra hands.
Read at 8:46.

"Nana? Are you going to go?" I asked. "If it's to help Lucinda, yep! I'll get dressed and meet you at your place!" She told me, then she ended the call.

I was rushing to figure out what to wear but ended up wearing a very dark blue sweater with some comfortable black sweatpants. Since we were going to Lucinda's, I knew I'd need to bring an 'emergency' bag with me. I had extra clothes, a charger, portable charger, snacks, and I timed all of that by two thinking Nana wouldn't think about any of that.

I snuck downstairs so not to wake Garroth and Laurence up. While I was downstairs u went into the living room to grab a few books in case of any random events happend and I need some other distraction other than my phone and Nana's beauty.

While I was making theese remarks in my head, a light knock at the door started, when I opened the door quietly I saw Nana standing there wearing one of my sweaters and some white sweatpants with pink poka-dots. If I were to be honest she looked adorable in that moment, but then she grabbed my arm and basically dragged me all the way over there.

Nana's POV:

I knocked on the door to Lucinda's house and Kim opened the door. "Hey Kawaii~Chan! H-" Kim said before Ghost took over. "Hiii Zane~!" Ghost said with her strange tone. "S-sorry guys I'll try to make sure it doesn't happend that much.." Kim said apologeticly. "It's alright I guess.. it's not your fault.." Zane said mumbling. "Me and Zane~Kun are here to help Lucinda~Chan with her magics!" I- well Kawaii~Chan said in a cheery but tired voice. "Great! Come in." Kim let me and Zane in and led us to Lucinda's potions area.

Lucinda was running around everywhere putting and stirring ingredients into her cauldron. When Lucinda spotted me and Zane she ran right to us and greeted us. "Thank Irene your both here! I've been going crazy, Kim was the one suffering the most though.. again thank you for coming here on such short notice." Lucinda said quickly. "It's no problem Lucinda~Chan! We're glad to help right Zane?" I nudge Zane hard in the foot. "Yep!" He yelps. "Lucky for you two, I'm almost finished so I just need you to put a opal in the mixture and then I need you to bottle it up." Lucinda said eyeing the both of us. "Easy enough!" I say.

Zane POV:

Me and Nana were bottling the potion up until "AHHH!!" I heard Nana scream next to me as the rest of the potion in the cauldron poured out towards us. I quickly ran infront of Nana so she wouldn't get her pants stained as much but when it touched the both of us I saw a bright flash of white, before everything disappeared for a while..

Chapter 1 is don't at 600 words! Not really anything important for me to say in the authors note so see you in chapter 2!

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