Chapter 6: That's Not The Body We're Looking For.

Start from the beginning

Eleven: He really does care about Will and us. (thinking) He does look cute while he sleeps. Wait! why am I thinking like that at a time like this.

She is then brought out of her thoughts as she hears a knock on her door as she hears her mom as she quickly panics.

Terry: Sweetie, can I come in for a moment?

Jane: Just a minute mom.

She grabs the part of Zero that isn't in the closets and shoves him in there with some struggle until she uses her powers to help make it easier for her.

Jane: (wipes nose of blood) Okay, Coming mom.

She opens the door as she sees her mom looking at her with worry as she enters her room. She goes over to the end of the bed as Jane sits down next to her.

Terry: Did you hear the news?

Jane *nods* Yeah, I don't think I can go to school today.

Terry looks at her daughter and nods.

Terry: It's okay sweetie, you can stay here. Just... just don't unlock the door okay.

Jane nods.

Terry: Becky will be back around 8 tonight. Are you sure you're gonna be alright here by yourself?

Jane: Of course, mom you know that all the previous times I have been home by myself nothing bad has happened.

Terry sweat drops at this as she remembers multiple times when she left Jane home alone and came back to see some of the stuff around the house floating around her daughter. As well as other times when the house would be a mess because of that.

Terry: *sighs* Just be sure to not make a mess here and that if you need anything you can call me, and I'll be here as soon as I can okay.

Terry leans over and kisses her daughter on the forehead before leaving the room.

Terry: Bye sweetie.

Once the door is closed Jane waits until she hears her mother's car start up as she grabs her walkie.

Eleven: Mike, Lucas. Do you guys' copy? Come on guys I know you're there.

No answer.

Eleven: Guys this is urgent I swear. I'm not gonna stop till either of you answer.

No answer.

Eleven: *sighs* Okay, you guys ask for this. *Breaths in* Mike, Lucas, Mike, Lucas, Mike, Lucas, Mike, Lucas, Mike, Lucas.

Lucas: Go away Jane.

Mike: Please stop talking. I'm not in the mood alright.

Lucas: Over and out.

Eleven: No not out. I'm not messing around guys, okay. This is about Will, over.

Lucas: What about Will? You mean about his funeral?

Eleven: No not his funeral, screw his funeral.

Mike: What!?

Eleven: Mike we're meeting at your place. And get Dustin Over and out.

Mike: And what if I don't?

Eleven: *Breaths in and holds out her hand*


We cut to see Mike in his room as he is on the radio taunting El.

Mike: What are you gonna do El?

One of Mikes toys floats up and hits him hard in the head.

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