Book 6 | Ch. 10 - Love Is Like Rose Thorns

Start from the beginning

"Huh? Are you ok? Don't cry~."

I'm not crying~.. Wait.. who said that?

She panned up finding Royal on his wheel chair bringing his hand out to help her up.

*She seems to be going through a dilemma*

Do you think I can't see that?

What do I do?

*I have nothing of value here to comment.*

She's telling me it's not important enough? Bullshit, she's in tears with no one to comfort her.

"Do you mind if I sit down with you?" I asked seeing her frantically wiping the tears off herself.

"... Mhm~." She nodded keeping her face low, her hair covering her eyes.

"Could you tell me what's wrong?"

She stayed silent, her reaction was to only ball up shielding herself from me.

".. I understand. Instead.. how about you release that tension on me. Go on."

"Why~..?" She mumbled.


"Why~..? Why are you doing this~."

"Why am I doing this~? Hmm~.." He scratched his cheek thinking of what to say.

"Well.. I can't leave someone I know- a girl no less stranded here in tears. It doesn't set well with my morals."

"Royal~.. Why are you so nice despite what happened yesterday?"

Why am I so nice?

I'm not.

It's as simple as that.

I show kindness when needed, stay out of bad business if possible.

I've killed, I've slaughtered, I fought for my life in horrid lands.

I merely do what it takes to satisfy others.

That may be seen as kindness in peoples eyes but.. that's merely my way of gaining favor.

I'm not the angel those expect me to be, I'm no saint.

"I'm not nice, I'm resourceful." I put it bluntly unable to say anything more.

"Why didn't you do anything to that guy, Gatlin?"

"..." My face said everything.

"So you're afraid?"

"..." My tongue was tied, my eyes locked to hers.

"It's ok. I'm scared, even now.. I'm afraid of the events in the future."

What does she mean?

Does this have to do with why she's here?

"What about yourself?" I asked.

"..?" She tilted in response.

"What are you afraid of?"


"It's such an uncooperative feeling, it can be a dagger to the back yet it can be as sweet and soft as a rose."

"I can't control it. That's what makes me afraid."

... I wish I could understand that feeling. 

The closest thing to love I can think of is my bond with my family but I understand that isn't love-love.

I wish to learn what that feeling Hunter had, that smile he harbored when facing his wife for the final time. His smile was genuine but frightening to see how different he was compared to his normal self.

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