Chapter 4: The Zero on Maple Street

Start from the beginning

Eleven: He is also probably being hunted by the same guys that took us away from our family and they could be the same ones that took Will. I think he knows a bit more than we do about Will's disappearance. 

Lucas still skeptical decided to ask him about this.

Lucas: Then why doesn't he tell us.

Lucas then rushes over to Zero as he stands up from the bed to face him and just when he turns Lucas grabs him by the shoulders.

Lucas: Do you know where Will is.

Zero doesn't say anything as Lucas grips his shoulders harder.

Zero: Please let go of me.

Zero says in a calm but stern voice but Lucas was not having it as he grips harder.


Mike: Stop trying to scare him Lucas just let him go.

Lucas: No!

Zero: *sighs* You asked for this then.

The whole group looks at Zero confused with a raised eyebrow as Zero ignites his whole body in fire. Luckily, he made sure the temperature was not hot enough to burn Lucas or anyone and anything else around him.

Lucas: *jumps back* WHOA, WHOA, WHO- wait it doesn't hurt and my hands are fine.

The group was surprised as Zero has fire powers especially Mike and El for they thought it was just the same powers El had and just water.

Zero: Don't worry I made sure the fire was not hot enough to burn you and that it wouldn't be out for long enough that it does burn something or someone here. In my defense I did ask you to let go of me, and you did not listen. 

Everyone was surprised by this but Lucas still mad at what he did even though he made sure not to intentionally harm him had enough of it.

Lucas: That's it, since he doesn't want to tell us where Will is we are going back to plan A and telling your mom or at least Ms. Ives.

Lucas goes to open the door despite everyone trying to get him to stop and when he opens the door it immediately closes again and locks itself. 

Lucas: Eleven open the door now.

Eleven: Thats not me.

The group then turns to see Zero with some blood coming out of his nose as he walks over to Lucas and stares him down.

Lucas: Open the door.


His voice which is usually calm and stern and sometimes happy then did a complete 180 as his voice became dominant, demanding along with stern. This had the whole group shocked as he said this, and Lucas just backed away from the door looking a little scared. Zero saw this and place his hand on Lucas' shoulder as he looks at him with concern and nervousness.

Zero: I will do my best to help you find Will but if I have to, I will do what I can to keep you guys safe. I don't want to put you guys in a situation where you would be in danger before will is found, understand?

The group gets surprised by his words and El smiles at this while Lucas looks down regret for how he had acted towards him.

Zero: I understand your skepticism and your worry but just know that I promise you and everyone else here that you guys will be reunited with Will.

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